Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1043: Major, I am very serious

Chapter 1043 Major, I am very serious

The night court said, "Maybe I am negligent."

Black Rose's ability to make a ghost, not everyone can touch a corner of the clothes, this thing can not blame anyone, every time is a step late, which makes the night Ling is very anxious, the calmer his face, the more worried inside.

After Xie Jing’s arrival in Colombia, because of a major event in New York that affected the entire intelligence company, he rushed back. There were two teams in Jack and Mu Yuan in the castle. The atmosphere was very heavy.

Jack was sitting on the balcony on the second floor.

The days of Colombia are exceptionally sunny.

Very blue.

He took a cigar and smoked it. Mu went up the stairs and took the cigar in his mouth. He took a sip and jumped up and sat next to him, pulling the collar slightly, revealing a cut. Honey skin and **** clavicle. He swallowed clouds, his throat slipped slightly, his three-pointed ambiguity, two points of innocence, five points of sex, like a crime, Jack's throat slipped slightly, staring at his collarbone for a moment.

Hurry and don't open your eyes.

I don’t know myself.

"Why are you hiding alone in the upstairs to smoke?" The smell of tobacco made his chaotic brain a little more awake. He had been on the road for a long time, and Mu Yuan’s spirit was very tight. Jack also.

Jack is far more resistant to pressure than Mu.

He is two years old and is working in high pressure all the year round.

"Bathing in the sun." Jack said, "My mind needs rest."

Mu Yuan said, "A Ling has reached the edge of the collapse."

"See it."

Jack said, "Small, if you fall into the enemy, three days of life and death are unknown, I am afraid I will be anxious, he can resist me."

"Get it, are you so vulnerable?"

Jack is silent.

Not that he is too weak.

"Small, you..."

Too important.

He can't stand it, Mu Yuan is alive and dead, so he has set a rule for each other. Unless necessary tasks, you must break the communication, otherwise you will contact once every three days.

Mu Yuan took a sip of cigars and sighed at Jack. He deliberately let him smoke second-hand smoke. Jack snorted and couldn’t help but slammed Mu Yuan’s foot. Mu Yuan was heartily smiling. “There are people who are worried, wait until that moment. talk later."

Jack took the cigar between his fingers and took a sip, and was a little annoyed.

"Tracking the black rose, I have been chasing it for a year." Jack said, "I have been tracing intermittently. I have not found reliable information. I have received the report several times. I received the undercover body. It was really a provocation. The provocation of a huge country."

"There is no way, just no way."

"I tried my best and arranged to enter two people, but it was like blinking. They couldn't pass a message and didn't leave any message." Jack said, "I am not afraid of the enemy and me coming, not afraid of the poor mountains, I am afraid that there is nothing to do."

Jack rarely talks with Mu Yuan about the pressure on his work.

This is his first voice.

Mu Yuan said, "Have you mentioned it to me?"

"We can get together a few times a year. I don't have enough time to kiss you. How can I have time to chat with you?"

Mu Yuan, "..."

Lying in the trough.

The distressed heart that has just risen is called back.

Mu Yuan learned Jack's movements and also smashed him.

"Be serious."

"Major, I am very serious."

The sun cast a shadow on Jack's face, which made his eyes deeper and deeper. Mu Yuan's heart slammed. "If the black rose is solved, I will take a month's holiday."

(End of this chapter)

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