Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1046: Have something to say

Chapter 1046 has something to say


"Big brother, have something to say, put down the gun." The night court is scared of the soul.

Can you talk about it! !

Can you! ! !

Luther Butler stood up, "Sir, don't force me!"




Luther was still silent, Zhong Zhong said, "Luther, what do you know, tell the big and the young, don't lie, do you want to collect the corpse?

He is really a madman. Don’t you just preach with a madman?

"Remember to put me and the body and Shen Qianshu together for cremation!"

Lu Ling just had to pull the trigger, Luther suddenly held his wrist, "Mr. Meng Qi is inside!"

The atmosphere is at your fingertips.

The fingers of the night mausoleum slowly released, but did not leave the trigger, the clock burning was anxious, "Meng Qi is inside, what do you mean?"

Meng Qi is the adopted son of Luther.

Luther closed his eyes and closed his eyes. "You put down the gun."

The night Mausoleum put down the gun, "Meng Qi?"

Luther said, "I have been looking for opportunities to send Meng Qi to the black rose, in order to prevent one day, you are stared by the black roses to participate in the selection of the door, he is the NPC in the selection, you can meet with you, Since the age of six, Meng Qi has been trained by black roses."

"Meng Qi is a black rose?"

"I am the person I arranged in the black rose." Luther said, reluctant to put the children out of the wolf, Meng Qi's identity is best to cover, other people's identity investigation must not pass, only Meng Qi is the most appropriate.

"Black Rose did not investigate his background?"

"Meng Qi is an orphan, not to mention that he does not enter the core, but only the peripheral training, so the identity investigation is easy to pass, too close to the core of the people, I can not send in, a few days ago he sent a message, black rose selection speed, Already prepared, the specific location has not been disclosed, only in Colombia." Luther said, "He will be the block road for the selection of black roses on the list of selection."

The bell ignited.

It is no wonder that Master Meng Qi always sees the end of the dragon.

He is very mysterious.

Diverse status.

Luther began planning for protection less than a decade ago.

"Does he check the location?"

Luther said, "No!"

The night gaze sinks, Luther said, "I really don't have it, just..."


Luther said, "Where is the headquarters of Black Rose, I know."

Night Mausoleum is overjoyed, "Where?"

He really knows all the secrets, why didn't he say it all the time?

Luther said, "Sir, I advise you to give up looking for black roses. It is a sea super prison. The location is changeable. The location where Meng Qi came back has changed several times. The same is true for your mother. They have protection at sea. Even within the range, you can shield the local radar."

Unless you talk to insiders and let him out of the sea, there is no way to go to the headquarters.

Zhong burning said, "Impossible."

"You are too underestimated." Luther butler said, "It is self-sufficient to underestimate the enemy, so I have never told you that it is to hit the stone with eggs. Even if our power finds them now, if you are not close, you will be shot down. There is no one. The aircraft carrier will take the initiative to attack the black rose, because no one knows whether they are equipped with weapons of mass destruction, whether they will attack a city, so they have been inactive, and sacrificed a small part for peace."

Yuling said, "Tell me where I am."

Luther is silent.

(End of this chapter)

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