Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1049: Was discovered

Chapter 1049 was discovered

The girls stopped their feet. It was night, which was not conducive to their fighting. A group of people went out, and the people in the field of vision had the upper hand. The casualties must be very heavy. The teenagers were scattered. A group of people were in the ruined city, and a group followed them.

"Wait for the day," Meng Qi said.

He carried a sniper rifle, his face was unclear in the night, "the vision is invisible, they have occupied the pioneer, first return to the ruin city to rest, everyone withdraws, wait for the day to enter the jungle, shoot a few people to stay at the subway, no Let them come back."

Cher nodded, she is very capable of leadership, faintly said, "One man and one woman, divided into three groups, guarding in different parts of the subway, everyone back to the ruined city, who volunteered to guard the subway?"

Everyone has a face to face and there are some flaws.

This is the task of life.

Although, in the end, only one person can live, but everyone is confident that he can survive.

Meng Qi said, "I am coming!"

Aibo said, "I am with you."

Soon it was divided into three or four groups, guarding the subway, Meng Qi and Aibo guarding the jungle station.

Meng Qi went out of the station and found a commanding height outside the station to observe the jungle.

There is a corpse on the ground. He is seriously injured and is self-healing. He is a young boy. He has been in the jungle since the beginning. He is not very lucky. When he was ready to return to the ruins of the city, he encountered three girls rushing up.

When the narrow road meets, the brave wins.

Gao far abdomen in the gun, is anesthesia, digging bullets, Aibo went over, "I can't do it, you apply to quit."

"No, this hatred, I must report."

"You are all like this, what is your hatred?"

"The NPC team can only quit without a loss of combat capability. I can fight, I can help you keep the entrance." Aibo came over and helped him sew the wound, and screamed again and again.

Meng Qi has no side to heart and is watching the jungle.

Because of the view, the visibility is not very high.

Gao Yuan was cold and sweaty. "They all ran into the jungle, in the middle."

In the jungle.

Monica, Mosi and Shen Qianshu continually ran deeper. The map was already in Mosi’s mind. She knew the terrain. After running for a while, the three men found a high place. Shen Qianshu and Monica separated, one left. One right to observe the exit.

"Meng Qi, Gao Yuan and Ai Bo, they are not coming in outside, Aibo is sewing to Gao Yuan, all outside the range."

Mosi said, "Be careful, Meng Qi is aiming."

"He can't hit it."

The cover here is so good, not the best point of a sniper.

Observed for nearly half an hour.

"No one," Monica said. "They didn't even go into the mountains, that's great."

One night, enough to gasp.

Monica said, "Miss sister, I teach you the jungle to survive, this time comes in handy."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Mosi said, "A total of five sniper rifles, three people in the ruined city, Mengqi at the foot of the mountain, there is another person, it is possible in the city, it is possible ... to hide in the forest from the beginning, be careful."

Monica and Shen Qianshu nodded and began to lay out in the mountains.

Moses is watching around and see if there are snipers lurking.

By the way, stare at Meng Qi at the foot of the mountain.

Shen Qianshu and Monica are setting traps.

They smashed the materials, not only the ammunition, but also the props, the springs, the ropes, one night, enough for them to get traps, Shen Qianshu was briefly trained, and the wooden arrows were very smooth.

(End of this chapter)

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