Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1055: Different door owners

Chapter 1055 is not the same door owner

"Don't move," Monica said. "There are no snipers around. We are very fortunate. On the other side, they will soon find that the sound is hitting the West. You don't want to move. I call you move, you move again."

"it is good."

Shen Qianshu said.

The beautiful water grass covered her perfectly. As long as she didn't talk and stepped on her, it was estimated that no one would find her in the grass, and half of her body was also soaked in the water.

Very cool.

Moses said, "Someone is coming, your right hand side."

Shen Qianshu's heartbeat speeded up, and he was even lower, and he did not move.

Mosi said, "Your right front, 100 meters, a small team, five people, two men and three women, no snipers. You pay attention to hiding, no snipers, don't move."

Shen Qianshu said, "Okay."

In terms of marching speed, 100 meters is very fast. In a short time, they are very close to Shen Qianshu. The river is a small stream. The small stream in the jungle forms a small amber, which is a total of two hundred planes. A circular stream.

The water is very shallow and stands up to the knees.

The surrounding shrubs are very dense and the plants are very rich.

"Be careful, this is a stream, be careful to ambush," said a teenager.

A few people were very cautious and cautious, and both sides began to observe. Monica said, "Two people have telescopes. If you are not found, you should not move. If you are found, ask for more happiness. You must pick one." ”

Monica and Moshi's position, support is very difficult.

Shen Qianshu either picks five or runs to their commanding heights.

If you run to the high point, Monica and Moses will be exposed.

If exposed, the sniper will not come up.

"Thirsty, I will drink some water first."

One of the girls crouched down, took the water, took a sip, and the stream was cool. After confirming that there was no danger, the group carefully stopped to rest.

Monica said, "One of them has a communicator, Miss Sister, do you see that tall boy, yes, that is, he is tall and ugly, and he brought the newsletter. If it is not unexpected, they are all divided. The small team, the communicator is not enough, so each team is responsible for communication, if you pick one, the first one kills him."

Shen Qianshu can't talk.

A girl said, "We are hiding in the mountains with them. When do we want to play, why don't they come out and fight with us? I am tired of this hiding, too despicable, she does not deserve to win the selection, Not worthy of being the door of the roses."

Another girl said, "I heard that when I selected the red sleeves in front, I kept playing from start to finish. I didn't stop. Finally, even if the ammunition was used up, she used the knives. That was very cruel, all the maps. The ammunition was all defeated, and finally it was all melee. This is what the selection should look like."

"Shen Qianshu is not worthy of being her daughter, nor is it worth the blood of black roses. She is too mean."

Shen Qianshu nodded, and his heart was proud of Fang Hongshou.

Her understanding of the other's red sleeves was all heard from the ears of others.

I heard that she is one of the best killers.

I heard that she is very cold, very calm, and everything is for the task.

It is said that……

Today, I heard it again.

She would like to make a snap and tell them, oh, is that my mom, oh?

"There are rules for the game. Does anyone say that you must play from start to finish? Shen Qianshu's choice is another way, and it is understandable. There is nothing to say."

(End of this chapter)

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