Chapter 1060 covers us

A group of people quickly left, Shen Qianshu cold sweat and wet clothes, waiting for the girls to go far, she asked, "Monica, Moshi, you are all right, I am going out of the tree hole, you run to me."

"We're fine." Monica's voice was neat and sloppy.

Shen Qianshu poked his head out of the tree hole. Everyone went to attack Monica and Moses. Shen Qianshu was safe. She jumped out and filled the M4 with bullets. She hid behind the bushes and pointed at Mo. Nika and Moses are coming in the direction.

Shen Qianshu and Monica rushed forward, and Monica took the sniper's gun and took the bullet. As she expected, the sniper bullets were almost all around him, although not too much, to Monica. In terms of it, it is like God help.

A group of people chased Monica.

Cher said, "From the bottom of the bread, don't let her get a sniper rifle."

Monica said, "Miss sister, you have cleared the road below."

"Cover us."

Shen Qianshu said, "Received."

A group of people came around and chased them up. Shen Qianshu got up from the bushes and fired at them. The bullets were like splashing water, sweeping them and directly breaking up their formations.

Broadcasting, continuous.

Shen Qianshu’s M4 continually fired and quickly smashed a shuttle bullet. She lost M4, picked up another M4, continued to suppress it with fire, and pressed the girls who tried to kill her. After the trees, you can't take the lead.

She heard a girl say, "Shen Qianshu is below, Shen Qianshu is below."

The gunshots, constantly, played very fiercely.

Monica and Moshi all the way down, shooting all the way, the girls who want to surround Monica and Moses, became the snacks of Monica, Moshi, and Shen Qianshu.

They entered the encirclement and were completely annihilated.

"Go!" Mosi yelled, the three continually ran in the jungle, and staged a life-and-death speed. Shen Qianshu saw Monica get a sniper rifle and saw the hope of winning.


In the afternoon.

In the jungle, it was quiet.

The last trap of Monica, Moses and Shen Qianshu was used to confuse the enemy. There was no card in her hand. Only Monica’s sniper rifle was left. She had a sniper rifle in her hand.

Once they lost their traces, Xue Er and others did not dare to chase.

Monica and Moses, Shen Qianshu hiding in a commanding height, is a point that Mosi has investigated.

Time passed by, and the jungle was very quiet.

They are ambushing each other.

Meng Qi's sniper rifle has always been facing a position, that is, the subway station, he changed position, only Beckett and Aibo, three people, hidden in the mountains.

In the headphones, it was the noise of the girls.

They have guilty.

Aibo said, "They all said that Cher's command mistakes were all quarreling."

Beckett said, "The mistakes are inevitable. Monica got the sniper rifle. We want to win. It is really difficult. In fact, they don't want to hold the group, they treat everyone as an opponent. In this case, perhaps even more. Stimulate a little."

Aibo said, "If this is the case, Shen Qianshu's advantage is too great. She just hides, waiting for them to eat black, dogs bite dogs, and finally reproduce, they are psychologically afraid of Shen Qianshu, how can they win.

"Yes, they are psychologically afraid of Shen Qianshu."

Meng Qi has been very quiet and has been observing

(End of this chapter)

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