Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1065: The Great Demon King

Chapter 1065, Master of Magic

Suddenly, there is a light in the distance. Shen Qianshu narrowed his eyes and put on the night vision goggles. She saw from the sniper mirror that a small group of people were going down the mountain, not knowing where to go.

Down the mountain?

They are not in the bushes, where are they going?

The group quickly disappeared.

Shen Qianshu couldn't help but think of the night tomb.

What is the night mailing doing now?

Sir, I am kneeling in the jungle, enduring the bite of poisonous insects and being in crisis.

What about you?

Are you worried about me?



After three days of tracking a local special situation bureau, Mu Yuan and Jack finally found a clue. The black rose was actually covered. After she landed in Colombia, she was quickly transferred.

In the dark cabin, Jack tied the man, but he wore a mask and served as a mercenary. Mu Yuan also passed the disguise, fearing that it caused international problems. The two very kindly greeted the special person. .

Got a clue.

The desert in the south has been more frequent recently.

The special agent was trapped in the hut. Jack and Mu Yuan left the map immediately after he got the news to prevent him from reporting the news, leaving enough food and water to leave.

"The desert in the south?" After the night Ling brought the map out, he took a look. Nothing except the desert, the map is bare, this is the latest satellite map.

The night mausoleum said, "There is a place where the army is stationed. Large-scale personnel are close, and it will certainly be suspected. I will go alone."

The satellite map is not very reliable, he plans to go alone.

According to the information provided by the intelligence personnel, there is a mercenary team operating in the desert, and has been active recently. His level is not high, and the message is not particularly high.

And quite useful.

Mu Yuan said, "A Ling, you go to the town first, and Jack and I will arrive later. We will go to the three of us. The rest will stay ten kilometers away and stand by."

The burning of the clock and the night court are very unreliable.

Luther butler is silent.

Luther said, "Sir, you must go, I can't stop you, you have to come back safely."

Yuling said, "You go back to Paris. There are things you can't do. You don't have to worry. Even if I am dead, I have a son. He will do all the things for me."

Luther’s housekeeper licked his lips. “I know.”

On the day of the night, the nightmare was disguised as a lame middle-aged man with a beard. He recently did not trim the margins. He had a beard, and then put some beards on him, wearing a beautiful, light blue eyes. Full of hustle and bustle, deep facial features, tall and tall figure, like a European and American, even more like a local.

His local words are still very slippery.

The night tomb limped into a small town on the border.

This is a relatively prosperous town, a bustling town on the border, high-rise buildings, numerous shops, and a wide range of goods. The people in the town are in a hurry, and most people are armed.

It seems to be a place where you can live and work in peace, but it is full of danger.

"Hey, where did you come from?" A man shouted at the Mausoleum.

The night mausoleum coughed constantly, not only stunned, but also caught a cold, it looked like a frustration, "Colombia, man, borrow a fire."

He looks very harmless.

Trembling and taking out a cigarette, the man glanced at him and lit him with smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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