Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1067: Bragging scorpion

Chapter 1067 Bragging Son

"No, no!" The night to launch the wine, "I won't tell you."

"Ha ha ha, blow it."

"The desert has nothing but the dead!"


In the pub, the sound is known.

The man who said the dead was a young man, a slender body, and his age was not big. A man next to him was too vocal, and he shot on his head.

"To shut up!"

The young man was terrified and ran to the pub.

Night Mauss asked, "What does the dead mean?"

No one answered.

"Brother, your gold bar position, we are very familiar with this zone, you tell us, we take you to find, this is not a local, it can not enter the desert, will be shot."

The night mausole is like a miser, not touching the woman's wine, and is not willing to tell the gold bar address.

The people in the pub were all making fun of him, as if they had poked the self-respect of the Mausoleum, and he angrily pushed the petite woman in front of him and limped away from the pub.

Jack said, "Small to go to the town first, I have something to check."

"What to check?"

Jack said, "I just thought of a problem. In the small towns on the border, most of the young people are going out. Nobody wants to stay in their hometown. Why is the town so prosperous? There are so few employment opportunities, I have to check it."

In the night, a person in the town must have someone to cooperate.

Mu far nodded, "Yes."

Jakea’s head was down, and he kissed him on his lips. “Be careful.”

Unsuspecting kisses, and hurriedly, Mu Yuan’s heart was turned on, and his ears were hot and red. When Jack went away, he began to disguise himself. The night tombs were deep and easy to disguise.

He is not that easy.

So simply bring a mask.

The night tomb found a hotel in the town, the hotel is not big, it is three floors, is a medium-sized hotel in the town, the labor is very expensive, and at the border, not so clean.

The night tomb closed the window and looked at the people on the street.

Everyone's face is heavy.

In addition to being able to relax in the pub, the face is very serious outside.

There is no relaxation and satisfaction of the residents of the prosperous town.

The night mausoleum went downstairs. The teenager in the pub played basketball on the flat ground behind the hotel. On the wasteland, a bare basketball box was extraordinarily lonely. The night mausoleum went over and sat down.

Juveniles play basketball, like the power of force, no point, basketball is very bad, the night Ling has never played basketball, his middle school era, almost insulated from all sports activities.

"I played better than you," said Yuling.

It is so confident.

Even if I haven't touched a basketball, because the children's paintings like a basketball star, and occasionally watch the show, he occasionally looks at a few eyes, and feels very simple, just look at it.

The teenager shot six times, but none of them.

The distance is still very close, which is very regrettable.

"You brag, scorpion!" The young man looked down on the lonely middle-aged man.

This person is not only stunned and mourned, but also wants to get rich overnight.

Mu far laughed and listened.

Scorpion! !

Hahaha, after Aling’s eight years old, no one dared to marry him.

The night tomb stood up and limped away, "Give me the ball!"

Basketball only.

What's so great, you can shoot with your legs.

When the young man saw him, even if he was lame, he was so arrogant, his heart was very uncomfortable, and he lost the basketball. The night majesty caught the basketball accurately and stepped back. He planned to make a three-point shot.

(End of this chapter)

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