Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1071: Silent town

Chapter 1071 Silent Town

The night mausoleum was carefully observed.

On the edge of the high wall, there is a deep ditch that cannot cross the past. It seems to separate the world from the desert into two worlds. Not far from there are some men with guns watching the workers.

The night tomb did not dare to approach, afraid of revealing something.

He remembered the map silently in his heart, and the young man came over. "I said, there will be no gold, you will die."

Night Mausole said, "What is behind the wall?"

"I don't know." The boy said, "You get on the bus, I will take you around."

The night tomb saw the person holding the gun not far away. It was the time of eating, and some people patrolled. The young man was safe. He got on the bus. The teenager took him around the high wall and turned around. Some people are in the desert, circled a piece of land, and it is isolated for a while, with high walls, and some high-voltage power grids, all are isolated.

She is inside!

The night mausoleum sank and the heart beat faster, not so excited.

After looking for so long, I finally confirmed the position.

This is the selection of black roses.

The desert is too big, and the enclosure is too big. It can't be finished. Some people are holding hands and they are not allowed to go. The night tombs and young people just need to turn back. The night mausoleum asks, "What do you say about the dead?"

"Ah, I will take you there." The young man took a watch and was very responsible. He took the night to go to another place, two kilometers from the high wall, a small high slope.

The night tomb looked up and saw nothing.

Where are the dead people.

The young man jumped out of the car, walked to Xiao Gaopo, forced open the yellow sand, and called the night to come over. "You come over."

The night tomb, past with him to open the yellow sand, saw a bone.

A 30-cm long bone.

The boy said, "This hill **** is all white bones. The bones are buried in the sands of the year, so you can't see them. In fact, they are all bones."

In the heart of the night, I slammed the yellow sand and saw a white bone.

"Where did the dead come from?"

"I don't know." The boy said, "My parents mentioned this matter, and there is no one to dare to say."

The people in the town are very secret. The teenager said, "I know that my parents are working and giving us money. They said, no matter what they see, they must be kept secret, so the adults will not talk about things in the desert. ""

"How did you know that?"

The teenager said, "I secretly listened to them. My mother was particularly scared and didn't want to do it. But Dad wants to make money, she can't help."

The night tomb nodded, looking at the direction of the high wall with a gaze, and took out the map and made a sign.

"What are you doing?" asked the young man, looking at him with little understanding, and said at night, "I am making a mark."

"Don't make a mark, do you want to kill us?" The boy said, "If they know that someone is leaking, they will kill, they are all bad people."

Night Mauss asked, "Do you want to kill the bad guys?"

The teenager shook his head.

Night Ling asked, "Why don't you want to kill people?"

The teenager said, "Our town is very poor. It used to be poor. There was no development. When children grow up, they will not stay at home. They will go out to make a living. We can't eat enough, don't wear warm clothes, and there are robbers. They are coming."

"They are bad people, there is nothing wrong, but they also brought us wealth and brought a good life. Although they will kill people, they are very fierce, but they are gone, we have to become poor, eat bad, wear no Ok, what does that mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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