Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1101: Mr. Almighty

Chapter 1101 Mr. Almighty

"Good!" Monica and Mosi nodded. Several people split the equipment and split up.

The night tomb and Shen Qianshu went to the left, and Monica and Moses went to the right. This also disrupted the deployment of Cher's battle. I couldn't figure out what they were doing. The team of Cher had only three people left.

The controller is very important and must be hidden in a relatively hidden place.

"Sir, what if we guessed wrong?" Shen Qianshu asked uneasily, if there is no controller at all in the map? If there is no controller, everything they do is a waste of time.

Yuling said, "There are still thirty-two hours of countdown. We have twenty hours to look for. If it is wrong, there are still twelve hours to solve them."

In the view of the night mausoleum, solving them seems to be a very simple matter.

Shen Qianshu inexplicably believes in him.

I believe that the night tomb, can take her to victory, believe that the night tomb, can let them all survive.

In the monitoring room.

Moore frowns, "What are they doing?"

Originally insufficient staff, they were separated.

The monitoring room can't hear them, but they can monitor their every move. Some people can read the lips and record every word they didn't say, but not every picture can be monitored.

Not every sentence can be recorded in a standard way.

Black rose hands in front of the console, squinting and looking at them, there is also a question in my heart, what are they doing? What are they doing? Why are you separated?

Monica and Moses blasted the line and the whole city was dark.

The night mausoleum and Shen Qianshu went to the power station first, all of them were destroyed. The night to observe the whole circuit, slightly frowning, "You check the surroundings, be careful not to let people come close."

"what are you going to do?"

The night mausoleum climbed the ruins to check the lines in the power station.

The line was blown up long ago, what did the inspection line do?

"Sir, will you still have an electrician?"

God, what else do you have in addition to having children?

Shen Qianshu collapsed and the sniper rifle was given to Moses. They were all short guns and could only be observed with a telescope. Xue and Meng Qi also saw that they were separated. Xue took people to chase Monica and Moses.

The Mengqi team volunteered to attack Shen Qianshu and the night tomb.

The night mausoleum is in the welding circuit.

Although it was blown up here, the tools were still there. Although Shen Qianshu did not understand what he was doing and concentrated on guarding him, the Mengqi team bent over and slowly approached the power station.

Aibo said, "What are they doing?"

As NPCs, their role is to increase the difficulty for girls, killing them, is their responsibility, this is their first time to participate in the selection of black roses, this time died a teenager, the rest lost their fighting ability due to serious injuries Was taken away.

Beckett said, "Why are you running a power station?"

They didn't dare to rely too close. The power station was a relatively closed space. Meng Qi used a sniper at a high place. Aibo said, "Let's go in and have a look?"

Meng Qi said, "No hurry."

Shen Qianshu saw Meng Qi.

"Mr., is the Mengqi squad, five people. They are not over at 800 meters. No matter what you are doing, you have to hurry." Shen Qianshu said that if you don't hurry, it's not fun.

"Yeah." The night tomb is not much, it has been welding circuits.

The complicated circuit is in his hands, like orderly.

(End of this chapter)

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