Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1107: You are not good

Chapter 1107, your life is not good.

The black rose face is black as the bottom of the pot, the woman's eyebrows are indifferent, very peaceful, "two little masters, hello, I am a technician of the black rose security department, my surname is white, congratulations on passing the first pass."

The night tomb faceless expression, congratulations to this voice, no fluctuations in the heart, Shen Qianshu smiled gently in order to brush a good feeling, "White sister is good!"

The white girl said, "This time, five people passed, Monica, Moses, two young masters, and Cher, there will be planes to send you to the second level, the second level of black roses, very looking forward to Your performance."

"Wait a minute..." Shen Qianshu is very good. "Is this not the end? How can there be a second pass?"

The white girl said, "If there is no heir, when there is only one person left in the first level, it is over. Now, the plan has changed."

Monica said, "Really!"

Yuling said, "What is the second level?"

The white girl said, "The second level is very simple."

Black Rose angered the table, "White girl, black rose selection is hosted by me, you don't want to be more embarrassed."

The white girl turned around, she was thin, the face of the oriental, and her face was warm and alienated. "Yang Ping, let me remind you that you are only the agent, you have no right to order me."

Black Rose said, "What do the elders mean?"

The white girl said, "I am representing the elders. The plane has already set off. Two hours to the town, they will be sent to the plane. The next thing, you have no right to interfere."

The woman disappeared on the holographic screen, and the black rose face became extremely ugly. She did not expect it. The heir advantage turned out to be the holographic image. The square red sleeves and Anfei children did not pass this way.

Shen Qianshu made a snap and looked at the black rose. "You don't congratulate me, I have passed, and from your embarrassment, I have taken another big step. You should congratulate me."

The black rose face was so ugly that she smiled coldly. "You have to have the ability to get out of this desert."

Everyone's face changed slightly.

There are eight people in the map.

The figure of the black rose did not disappear from the holographic image, she said in a deep voice, "pass my command, start!"

Moore went out and disappeared into the holographic image. Xue couldn't help but ask, "Do you want to do something, do you want to kill us? We have already passed the selection, you can't kill us."

Black Rose said, "If you don't have a good life, you can only bury it with Shen Qianshu."

"Why?" Cher couldn't help but ask.

Black roses looked at them indifferently.

Shen Qianshu said, "It's very simple. If she is a beggar, the next selection, she is no longer qualified to intervene, naturally it is to get rid of me, so as not to raise the tiger, I am right?"

Mosi said, "What can be done to hold the selection? You have to order us to ensure that Shen Qianshu won the selection."

"You have to blame, you blame Shen Qianshu for opening up the holographic image and alarming the headquarters." Black Rose said, "I thought that this selection could be monitored in my whole way. It seems that I can't do it."

She has already controlled the entire selection screen, and the pictures passed to the elders have been processed. In the end, only Shen Qianshu will win alone. The holographic image will open and can directly talk to the headquarters. The white girl will come out and take her away. Control.

If she can't dominate the selection, she can't let Shen Qianshu survive.

(End of this chapter)

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