Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1120: Little fairy can't calm down 2

Chapter 1120 Little Fairy Can't Calm 2


"Sorry, I admit it."

"Nothing, nothing." Shen Qianshu smiled, a very good-looking look, "On the first day, please take care."

"We are technicians, it depends on you."

"It’s great to wear white coats!"

I feel very learned.

She likes to learn to slag, and she likes to learn.

The night university tyrant felt very shameful, and continued to maintain a heart-free expression, and by the way, licking her collar, "Quiet!"


The group of white big brothers smiled and they were very kind. The white girl said, "They are all technicians in the security department."

When they arrived at the station, the two men got off the bus and walked into the highest building.

The tallest building is in the center of the submarine city. It was discovered in the highest building that the first floor actually played the performance of her and the night mausoleum in the ruined city. Shen Qianshu was dark and the camera was pretty good. She shot her better. It is more imposing and very beautiful.

Sure enough, it is a little fairy, no matter from which point of view is very beautiful.

For the video, the little fairy said she was very satisfied and could not be satisfied anymore.

The three took the elevator and reached the top.

Entered a meeting room.

In the conference room, there are four middle-aged people, two women and two men, all of whom are middle-aged. I don't know if it is because of the perennial seabed, it looks very unhealthy and his face is very white.

One man and one woman are oriental, one male and one female are white.

The white girl said, "This is our elders, 阮妙妙, Rachel, Shicheng, Baker, elders, this is Shen Qianshu and the night mausoleum, this time the winner."

"Please sit down, please sit down, child, hard work for you." He Miao Miao came over and took the hand of the night tomb. She looked very excited and quickly disguised her excitement.

Looking at the eyes of Shen Qianshu, it will be a little cold, but it will not appear too alienated.

Rachel is a bit cold, not as close as Miao Miao.

Baker is silent and expressionless.

Shicheng did not say much.

The white girl quit.

This is the most advanced secret of the Rose Gate. There is a record. It is not allowed to listen. The night tomb and Shen Qianshu sit side by side and do not speak. Shen Qianshu can sensitively feel that they are more enthusiastic about the night tomb.

When Yang Ping was selected, he was not willing to have a night tomb.

The night Mausoleum Anfeier was mentally ill and passed on to the Mausoleum of the Night. This group of elders and Anfeier, Fang Hongshou are the same age, but they are better for the night mausoleum.

She sat, didn't talk much, lest she said more mistakes.

Shicheng said, "Since people have come, let's talk about it. I heard that you want to skip the second level?"

Yuling said, "Yes!"

Baker said, "The principle is not good. The second level will not be life-threatening. It is only a subject. We will test who is more capable of being a manager. We will choose who."

"First, please understand one thing, the door of the black rose, who loves to be, who is going, we are not rare, second, I and her do not separate each other, you should have investigated."

Rachel frowned and was very unhappy with the attitude of the night tomb.

Miao Miaomiao said, "We have done an investigation. I didn't expect that the son of Mayfair and the daughter of the red sleeve would develop a marriage. It was wonderful. They were very good that year."

Baker said, "We are also based on the second point you said. You can consider that you do not need the second level of assessment, but the two-door master has never appeared, and there will be problems in the management system."

(End of this chapter)

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