Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1132: Learn to let go

Chapter 1132 Learn to lay down

Shen Qianshu nodded, yes, she was excited, but she was not excited to kill another person, because she was too cruel, not what she would do.

She just hates the feeling of that moment.

It has produced a little self-loathing emotion.

Yuling said, "This is right, so don't be self-loathing, don't be afraid, you have to officially, I saw you killing."

Shen Qianshu's body was stiff. She didn't ask about the night mausoleum. The night mausoleum didn't know if she didn't know. She hoped that when she killed herself, the night mausoleum just climbed out of the pipe and stood behind her.

Not witnessing the whole process.

At that moment, she is proud.

Because she won.

Yuling said, "I stood behind you and looked at the whole process. I was shocked. I thought about it. It was my fault. I didn't protect you and forced you to grow up. It was my sin."

"But next, you go over and caress her eyes, I know, my girl, or my girl."

From the fear, to the panic, to the calm, Shen Qianshu, like the roller coaster, ups and downs, and finally everything is calm, she chose to believe everything that the night tomb said.

She held the night mausoleum tightly, like holding a treasure. The relief of the night mausoleum was in his heart, and it was like a long root. She was satisfied and redeemed.

"Sir, I will learn to let go."

"Well, you have to learn to let go!" said the night mausoleum. "As the owner of the black rose, perhaps, you will have to face such a situation in the future, so you can only continue if you let go."

Shen Qianshu fell asleep in his arms. I don't know if it was the night mausoleum, or his arms were too gentle, too warm, and gave her a full stability.

She fell asleep and slept very badly.

This time, I was not having a nightmare. Although I didn’t sleep well, I didn’t have any nightmares.

This feeling, sleep for 11 hours, the night Ling is also very tired, both lack sleep, sleep like a sink, the electronic butler is very intimate, did not come to disturb them, let them sleep well.

After the night mausoleum and Shen Qianshu cleaned up, the electronic butler finally informed the white girl.

The white girl came to the door with a bouquet of flowers.

"Do you have a good sleep?"

"That's good, thank you for your flowers." Shen Qianshu said nothing about his nightmare, but this bunch of flowers is not really flowers, it is artificial flowers, but it is very realistic.

It’s not cloth, it’s the same as the real flower, until the white girl said it’s a fake flower, she doesn’t believe it, the white girl said, “We have less supplies here, if the flowers are shipped in from outside, It’s gone for a few days, no need. There are no flowers, life is a little less color, young girls, boys always want to date, so they make flowers, and the difference between real flowers and flowers is that fake flowers can stay the same for one year. ""

“Wow!!!” Shen Qianshu was amazed, “Black Technology!!!”

It is definitely black technology.

The night majesty smiled a little, and agreed with this point. It was also a black technology. The white girl laughed and said nothing. "The doorkeeper, if you have time, I will take you around for a walk, and you will also have a black rose."


Shen Qianshu and Lingling wore a couple to wear the door. The electronic butler was very intimate. They knew that they were lovers, and they were very caring in shopping. They all gave them a pair, and the wardrobe was full of lovers.

(End of this chapter)

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