Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1134: Bear guilty

Chapter 1134 is guilty of sin

In the morning, all walk in the city, because the city is not big, it is not too tired to walk, there are places to rest everywhere, people and people basically know.

This is an ideal city.

No crime!

There are electronic police in the city. This electronic police is not the same as the electronic police in the traffic. It is the real law enforcement policeman. The robot is a robot policeman.

The only difference is that the robotic police's firearms are anesthetic bombs. If there are criminals, the robotic police have no right to dispose of them, and will eventually hand them over to the city management team.

The white girl also showed them the function of the electronic police. Shen Qianshu was stunned.

"Black Technology!!!"

Night Mauss asked, "Why don't you show your research results like the world?"

White Girl said, "In order to avoid war, human beings are developing more and more rapidly, the earth's resources are getting more and more exhausted, and scientific research technology is further improved. If a country has such a technology, it will begin to be unscrupulous and eventually trigger a global resource war. A balance is good. They are always hidden behind the world and are not known. If it is not Yang Ping, very few people know black roses."

Shen Qianshu said, "You can't blame everything on Yang Ping for his crimes."

"What do you mean?"

Shen Qianshu thought for a moment and explained it straightforwardly. "As long as there is a little ambitious person, I want to get a black rose. No wonder that even if the big escape method selects the door owner, there are so many people who are rushing, no wonder, the black rose is gone, no one can know that she is Where, no wonder that so many undercovers are coming to the black rose but they are killed."

The white girl said, "Yang Ping, can't order the black rose, obeying her, just some peripheral agents, this is not the same."

Shen Qianshu took a deep breath. "I want to remove her!"

"You are the doorkeeper, you have the final say!" said the white girl.

Shen Qianshu nodded, very satisfied, and worked **** the door. Naturally, he had to pass the addiction of the owner. The first addiction was to Yang Ping to open the knife. In any case, she wanted Yang Ping to die!

The white girl then told them something inside the black rose.

Black Rose is now split into three parts, the original and the technical, radical.

There are primitives and technical schools in the city.

The original school is a group of old antiques. Everything requires rules and regulations. It wants to unify the black rose. The ambition is very big. It turned out to be a team of five elders. Later, one of them was kicked out of the elders.

He is the original school. They insist on everything that Black Rose has to do. According to the rules and regulations at the beginning, it can be said that a group of old stubborn people, accounting for one-third of the city.

The rest is the technical school, the technical faction is single-minded, just thinking about engaging in scientific research and technology, adhering to the principle of black rose, low-key, implicit, can not be exposed to everyone, is a group of technical houses.

However, this group of technical houses, holding the power.

There are also radicals.

There are also some people in the city, but the number is very small, and it is not so obvious. The most obvious is the peripheral personnel. The typical representative is Yang Ping. He wants to **** the power and stir up the black roses. The international reputation is also coming. The worse.

Since the beginning of this year, some people of the original school have been sent out of the city. The treatment of this group of technical houses is also simple and rude. It directly sends away most people and eliminates their memories of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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