Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1141: Bragging, everyone will

Chapter 1141, bragging, everyone will

The scene is very moving.

The outsiders are inexplicable.

Shen Qianshu is just returning from tourism. How is it different from life and death? Oh, no, it’s the same as death. However, this is not the most important thing. The reporter of Green Light is stunned.

Miss Shen traveled a trip and brought back a night...

Ah, is this real person, or is it plastic?

Is it that Miss Shen went to see a foreign country because she loved the night tomb, and brought the whole man who was exactly the same as the night tomb?

The nightling male model is as good as a figure, wearing sunglasses, long legs, pushing two big boxes, and exuding a kind of gas field that is not close to the living, has no close color to his son, and looks at Shen Qianshu and The son cried together.

The Internet has exploded! ! !

"Miss Shen went abroad and brought back a fake night tomb?"

"Is her brain broken? The whole night is brought back, is it silly, or is it true love?"

"Miss Shen should be too sad to be sad."

"very pitiful."

"Ah, ah, although I know that it is a plastic surgery, but handsome, you look at this leg, the gas field is so strong, the airport people secretly shoot him."


For a time, the plastic surgery night tomb, fake night tomb, Shen Qianshu - night tomb and so on and other key words, quickly on the hot search, it is simply no fun, it is not acceptable.

The netizens' brains are wide open, and they haven't waited for them to get on the bus. A bunch of small pieces will burst out.


Zhong burning the news on the Internet, shaking into a sieve, hahahahahaha.

This is too funny.

It’s amazing that the big and the young have actually entertained the public.

"This...they are too big in their brains."

The nightlings sat face down, and there was no fluctuation in the news on the Internet. The children’s paintings were beside him and asked, “Well, are you hurt, are you uncomfortable? Mommy said that you are amazing, it’s a great hero.”

"Not hurt."

The child's painting said, "Oh, what are you doing with your face? Are you handsome?"

Shen Qianshu can not help but baby, perhaps, you are still the truth, maybe your squatting, really cool, the night tomb is silent, wait a while to find that this car is not going to the Rose Fort, but to Gu's Manor.

"Back to Royburg."

Zhong Burning said, "Large and young, the second master said that the family was first reviewed. They haven't seen Miss Shen for a long time.":

Shen Qianshu said, "Mr., very soon."

Go to Gu's Manor.

When Shen Qianshu got out of the car, my brothers gathered around and asked her about her situation. Shen Qianshu had a good end, no arms and no broken legs, and even a radiant glow. Although the skin was tanned, it was as tender as peach. The whole person exudes a moisturity from the inside out.

Skinny is thinner, and the body lines are more beautiful.

"Brother, don't be excited, I am fine, really." Shen Qianshu said, "I have no hardships at all. You don't know that I am amazing. I am telling you that the story can be said for three days and three nights!"

Bragging, both men and women will.

My brothers can't help but laugh.

Gu Yuanli and Gu Xie are very responsible, especially Gu Yuanli.

Shen Qianshu had no intention of them, and he did not mind that Yang Ping was their mother's business. In her opinion, this was two different things, and my brothers did not hurt her.

Erye looked at the whole family, a family reunion, very happy.

Family, happy.

Gu Erye reached out to the night tomb, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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