Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1144: Just being full is going to be hungry

Chapter 1144 is just being hungry when you are full.

The remarks on the Internet have become more and more excessive. They all say that she brought back a replica that is exactly the same as the night mausoleum. Shen Qianshu has always been red and purple, and the red is not much, and there are many black powder.

After many of her little black powder made her black and perfect, she was dragged back by fans of her and children's paintings, and began to ask AG official blog, your replicator president returned.

AG is going to be squatted.

The official website of AG is very straightforward.

AG official blog: I died early and re-weighed. @童画.

Shen Qianshu is unbearable, and children's paintings are also eager to participate in the interaction. Shen Qianshu returns to China, and the night tomb is photographed. It is a carnival, and the burning of the people is more and more mysterious.

Had to clarify.

This is the night of the AG president.

It's not a cosmetic person, a copy of a person, Miss Shen is not so mad, if it is true, the coffin board will be covered by the big and the dead, who knows that this speech is no one believes.

The little black powder jumped out and said that the whole AG is a group of two diseases.

The AG is over.

The hurricane on the Internet made her happy, and the night tomb was still alive. This news was later confirmed by the night family. The burgeoning castle does not care about the scandal, the concern is good, the concern is not good, it doesn't matter, they don't care, don't clarify, The old lady at night was going to have a wave of heat.

AG is now equal to the night mausoleum, and the children's drawing is equal. No one said anything about the night house.

"Sir, do you want to send a press release tomorrow?"

"No." The night mausole does not matter, but it is planning one thing. "AG is coming, I want to have a beautiful year, Yang Ping should be unable to bear it."

Today, he does not want to call Yang Ping a black rose.

Strictly speaking, he and Shen Qianshu are.

"That should be deployed more carefully."

The children's painting was frightened this time. It was very insecure and always stuck to Shen Qianshu. In the eyes of the night, it was quite glaring. Shen Qianshu took a shower and really went to sleep with the children's drawing.

I opened it and just tasted a full night, very unhappy! ! !

Just full of food, you have to be hungry?


The sleep time of the children's paintings is very stable. Recently, they didn't sleep very much. They had too many things in their hearts. They worried about Shen Qianshu's sake. They never slept well. Shen Qianshu and he talked about the little stories on the island and avoided some **** stories. Let's just say some fun, Xiao Qiao and Xiao Jiu have a lot of fun. When the children are the latest ones, they are interested in everything and gradually fall asleep.

Shen Qianshu is also very sleepy, squatting with children's paintings, just stumbled to fall asleep and felt someone is turning her. The conditioning during this time made her backhand a slap, almost went to the gun, and sadly found that she had gone home. ......


Beaten people...

A look of snow and snow, his eyes are as strong as a knife.

He never had any defense against Shen Qianshu. The slap was not hiding. He slammed his face. Shen Qianshu suddenly woke up and hurriedly climbed up. "Hey, sir, why didn't you avoid it?"

"What do you say?" These three words almost squeezed out of the teeth.

Shen Qianshu reviewed, "I am too nervous. I haven’t turned around for a while, I am sleeping and stupid, right, what are you doing?"

She later discovered that the movement of the night mausole seemed to hold her up. The burger was woken up, kneeling on the face, looking at them curiously, a melancholy gesture that you humans would really play.

"Go back to sleep." Night Mausoleum said that he deliberately counted the time. The little ghost of the children's painting should have fallen asleep before coming. I didn't expect the thousand trees to fall asleep. He intended to hold her up, and he did not know the ghost. I don't know, who knows that I was beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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