Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1174: Beauty, you are too hard

Chapter 1174 Beauty, You are too hard

Shen Qianshu was disobedient. He wrapped himself up and rolled it into a ball. When he pushed her at night, she opened her confused eyes and was confused. She smiled and hooked his chin. "Wow, where are the beautiful people?" Ah, it’s so good.”

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Beauty face is like a pot! ! !

Shen Qianshu wrapped up in a quilt, and his head was long and messy, like a cockpit head, and his eyes were all staring at him. "Beauty, why don't you talk?"

She held the face of the night tomb in her hands, joyfully, and kissed her on the left side, and kissed her chin on the right side, forcing the beauty to look up and bring out a bandit of a **** to play the beauty.

"Beauty, which mountain are you on, report it to you, Qianye, I am taking the dowry to take you home, when I am the wife of the village!"

Mrs. Zhaizhai looked at Shen Qianshu with no expression.

The shape of this hen's head.

This evil charm expression.

The atmosphere of this bandit.

This is... stupid! ! !

He pushed her finger away, "sleeping!"

Shen Qianshu was very happy, and his eyes were shining. "Beauty, I didn't expect you to be so active. I even sent my arms to my arms. I am a ruler of the rules, I want three books and six gifts, and I don't like people..."

Night Ling frown, three books and six gifts?

Are there rules and regulations?

Not in harmony with people?

Does she mind if they are not married?

Not getting married, sleeping together, is it a match?

"Beauty, tell me, which mountain you are on, how many dowry, how about you, how long you are, how many dowry, thousands of grandfather can afford!" Shen Qianshu, a pair of melody, did not notice the beauty The dangerous atmosphere in the eyes, together in the past, snorted on the lips of the beautiful woman, kissed a bite, and extended his tongue, slightly licking, a small beech, on his upper lip, gently bite.

"Beauty, your taste, really sweet..."

At the bottom of the night, there was a fire, dark and quiet, burning slowly, as if to burn people, her appearance is stupid, but unexpectedly attractive.


Ha ha! !

He smashed the waist of Shen Qianshu.

Being ridiculed, it is natural to go back to the drama.

“How many dowry do you want to make?” asked Yuling.

Shen Qianshu was hugged and thought, no matter how many dowry, it is to be given. After all, it is such a beautiful beauty, more beautiful than the beauty she has ever seen.

It’s also a must-have for a family.

and many more……

Shen Qianshu’s hands touched him on his body. “Beauty, why are you so hard?”

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Her weak boneless hand, pinching his shoulder, hard, pinching his thigh, hard, pinching his lower abdomen, is also a win, the whole body is hard.

This is not the same as Qianye’s impression of Wenxiang Yunyu.

Where is her hand touched, it is like a fire, very strong, burning very fierce, the lower body is hot and hard, just want to do people, who knows Shen Qianshu pushes him away.

Very disappointed!

"Ah, beauty, you are so handsome, but you are too hard, I don't like it, I like... soft beauty!" The drunken grandfather, insisting on his own set, I am a general attack.

The general attack likes, naturally it is a soft beauty.

"I won't give you a gift, you... you go."

So sleepy, I want to sleep!

The grandfather who had been in trouble for a while was so sleepy that he was squatting on the quilt. He just wanted to sleep comfortably. He was immediately picked up. The tone of the night was very dangerous. He narrowed his eyes. "Do you dislike me?"

(End of this chapter)

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