Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1177: I am so happy.

Chapter 1177, I am so happy.

"Yes, I understand." Li Zhiyuan said, "I sent people to observe for a few more days, and I must confirm the news and inform you immediately."

"it is good!"

I hope this time is a success.

Nothing happened in the afternoon, she should go to AG to find the night tomb to eat, see the night tomb, the gas does not hit a place, rounded his eyes, the children painted a small palm in the side, "Mummy, hit him."

I have long been expecting to be beaten. When I went out today, he was in a good mood. Although he didn’t know why he was in a good mood, the baby’s mood was super bad. It was not good at all.

Shen Qianshu also wants to beat him, but he feels that he can't beat it.

Yuling said, "You..."

"you shut up!"

In the face of his son, it is not good to marry him, the night tomb is very happy, do not mind being beaten by her, the three went to eat together, this time the choice of the restaurant downstairs, more people at noon, they became the focus.

The focus of this group of people, their family of three are used to it.

Zhongyan and Ada are not far away, they are protecting, and there is no danger. Shen Qianshu is also relieved.

After eating, Shen Qianshu wanted to take a child's picture to the hospital to check his body. The night to nod and nod her. "You go to the hospital and send him back."

"Wow, no one is sexual."

Shen Qianshu was crying and laughing. He went to the central hospital with a child's painting. Ada followed them. They had already made an appointment with the doctor. Today, they checked the children's paintings. After taking the medicine for a few days, they basically knew it.

A set of checks is very cumbersome and time consuming.

Shen Qianshu was worried. The children's paintings were ruddy. Recently, they were able to run and jump. There was no rejection at all. Her heart was settled. As long as nothing happened, it was a good thing.

The medical examination report came out very quickly. The test was done for the children's painting. The result was very good. Shen Qianshu looked at the inspection report and was very happy. It was all right.

The report shows that the body of the child's painting is no different from the normal child. The problem of heart disease is sure to be solved. As long as the body is well maintained, he will be healthy.

He is only slightly weaker than a normal child.

"Baby, great, you are fine." Shen Qianshu was very happy, picked up the person, and kissed him.

She is already happy and doesn't know what to say.

The first time to call the night tomb.

"Sir, the child is painting, his body is fine. The doctor said that she has nothing to do except the ordinary child is weak. As long as we take good care of him, he will be healthy."

The Night Mausoleum has always been concerned about this matter and nodded. "Okay, I know."

"I am so happy." Shen Qianshu said, his eyebrows are flying. "I always feel that this matter is in my heart. It is almost overwhelming. Now it’s raining. From him to me, I have been worried that he has I have to leave one day, and now I have told me that as long as I take good care of him, he will be able to heal, grow up safely, and marry and have children like ordinary people. I am so happy.

Today is her happiest day, and no one can stop her desire to declare the world.

The night's lips and corners, passing a smile, his little girl, still the same innocence, still the same fresh, so in fact very good, very good, very optimistic.

It also brings happiness to people!

When Shen Qianshu was happy, he went shopping with his children's paintings and took back the night to say that he had forgotten it.

(End of this chapter)

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