Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1180: A piece of cake is in the middle

Chapter 1180, a piece of cake is in the middle

"Well, I want another brother!" The Night Mausole quickly cut off his words. "From tomorrow, you don't have to go to work with me and do what you want to do."

A piece of cake was filled with children's paintings, painfully screaming in dreams and mommy, and finally, dreams were chosen.

Mommy, though I don't know what your regrets are.

Please cheer! ! !

Love can help!


Yuling and Gu Xie, Yunan exchanged contact information. Yunan was asking him if he wanted to be a guest in the jewelry exhibition. Chen Hao made a marketing plan, and wanted to go to the jewellery show with Shen Ling and Shen Hua.

This is a city of A city traffic, not afraid of not fire, night Ling holding a mobile phone, is considering how Yunan.

He is not interested in the catwalk.

However, this is Shen Qianshu's first jewellery exhibition. This is the first step for her as a designer. The first step is to lay the foundation and it is easy to get started.

It’s hard to walk behind.

Jewelry designer, luck is also an important part.

Many people are talented, and the jewelry is beautifully designed, but no one appreciates it. Just like in the entertainment industry, there is no lack of good-looking, talented men and women, can not be red, but it is one thing.

Shen Qianshu’s talent is good enough.

If you can add icing on the cake, it would be better.

“How is your jewelry show ready?”

"Next week." After the weekend, Monday is the jewelry exhibition. To be honest, she is a bit nervous. This time, the jewelry exhibition has different meanings for Shen Qianshu. She asked Gu Yuanli to send people to be vigilant.

Let Li Zhiyuan, who mobilized the black rose, do intelligence investigation work, will not let black roses come to trouble.

There are many jewellery exhibitors, and a bomb can kill them. This kind of occasion, more attention should be paid to the extended jewellery exhibition, which can no longer be delayed. She can only prepare for perfection.

The ghost town and the black rose people, each inside and outside, have their own tasks.

“Where is there, need help?”

Shen Qianshu looked bright, hugged his neck, sat on his lap, nodded shyly, raised his eyebrows at night, waiting for her to open, as long as she spoke, she would agree.

"Sir, can you go to see my jewelry show?"

"So simple?"

Shen Qianshu nodded. "You don't like domestic jewelry exhibitions. It's hard to get there. But the designer is me, I don't care, you must go."

"it is good!"


“Well, I will invite some AG partners to give you a favor.”

Shen Qianshu hugged him and kissed him on his cheek. "Sir, you are awesome!"

Her network of contacts in the jewelry circle is good enough, and she does not need the network of the night tomb. Her fame is also played out. BG's resources are good enough, but his heart is very moving.

"Yun An said that Chen Hao has made a marketing plan, and our family of three can take the finale." Night Ling asked, "Why don't you think about it?"

Shen Qianshu said, "When there was no accident in the Fortress, I was considering it. Once I announced your resurrection, the second jewellery exhibition was also a gimmick. After I came back, I vetoed this marketing plan because... it was too eye-catching. ”

"I, you, children's paintings, are on the stage. If Yang Ping is on the court, she won't take the risk."

Yuling gently hugged her. "You don't be afraid, there is me. Since this is a good marketing plan, then go and do it. Don't miss a wonderful show because of irrelevant people. I bring children's drawings. Going to the catwalk, our family went to the catwalk."

(End of this chapter)

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