Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1187: Stunning the world

Chapter 1187 is amazing worldwide

"Meng Xi, you don't know, what I really want." Li Zhiyuan looked at Shen Qianshu, his eyes were gentle and gentle. "I like her, I don't necessarily have to take possession of her. Do you see her smile? How happy?" More confident, she will lose this smile and confidence when she is around me."

Lu Mengxi sneered, "I didn't expect you to be a kind of love."

Li Zhiyuan said, "Lujia is already stormy, you should stop doing it, just stop it, just like a person. If you don't know it, you have to have a degree. Just like doing business, you need to know how to stop loss. You are pursuing it. It’s no problem to lose money, and it’s your sin.

Lu Mengxi’s heart is cold, and his back is like being powered by electricity. There is a fear of paralysis.

On the stage, a hot girl combination, high-song dance, colorful lights, dazzled the entire stage, Shen Qianshu's cell phone shook a bit, she raised her eyebrows slightly, took the phone to leave the seat, went to the background.

"The doorkeeper, the entire venue was inspected, there was no explosion, no weapons of mass destruction, all the cameras nearby, we checked, no black rose was found. She left the mountain villa two hours ago and went to the city. Missing traces in the middle of the road, there are people at every point near the venue, she can't fly in."

"Yes, pay more attention."

Shen Qianshu paused and raised his head slightly. "Can you monitor other people's mobile communications?"

"Yes!" The voice of the girl is very clear.

Shen Qianshu is dark, black technology is easy to use.

"Looking at Lu Mengxi's mobile phone communication, no matter who she calls, I will immediately locate and send people in the past!"


"Gu Shi Manor has something to do with the wind, I will contact my second brother for the first time."


To explain everything, Shen Qianshu returned to the venue, the jewelry show began, the first model came on stage, began to show, Guan Xiaoman wearing is the set of wedding jewelry Shen Qianshu designed for her.

This set of jewelry, except the day she married, has never been worn, this time at the jewelry exhibition, deliberately come out, is also her selfishness, the first business trip Guan Xiaoman, brilliant.

Under the backdrop of the beauty, the jewels are full of brilliance, and the beauty is set off like a fairy.

It’s incredibly beautiful.

Under the stage, applause was like thunder.

Then there was the model. One water began to show the catwalk. More and more professional stars went to the stage, Shen Qianshu and the night tomb. The children’s painting went to the background and began to change clothes.

Their shapes are all done.

Just change your clothes.

This time, the finale of the jewelry is a piece of fabric. It was the last time that the Shen Qianshu gambling competition won the emerald green stone of Lu Mengxi. She was made into jewelry, and the male wearing Guanyin female Dai Buddha.

This time, the emperor green, she carved a larger fabric of Buddha, two small Guanyin, all let the night tomb and children's paintings to wear, in addition, there is a bracelet, earrings are also the emperor green earrings.

The fabrics are all a piece of emperor green, which is particularly shocking in appearance. On the ears of the night tomb, a green earring of emperor green is also worn.

Many small pieces of material were used by her waste to make a small column bracelet worn on the wrist of a child's drawing.

A family of three chose a series of white dresses.

Shen Qianshu's dress is the shape of the mermaid. It perfectly sets off her slender figure. The front and back are slanted, and the long legs are so beautiful. The perfect career line is revealed, and the Buddha is worn in the career line.

(End of this chapter)

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