Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1195: Face 啪啪啪 3

Chapter 1195, face 啪啪啪 3

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, is that our little fairy?"

"Forgive me for a lifetime of debauchery, love freedom, and love a little fairy with white hair."

"I can't bear to look straight, white hair, smoky makeup, what is this match, hahahaha, I don't know fashion very well."

"I saw the little fairy in the past, I realized that the little fairy now is a real fairy."


The live room was thundered by her styling.

The people present, but they care about Shen Qianshu's game. Is it true that this piece is indeed her? Coincidentally, she and Megan compete together, even if her style is exaggerated, everyone can see it.

"Megan, Bailey, don't you express your feelings?" Shen Qianshu began to fall into the water, and there was no smile at the bottom of his eyes.

She runs a jewellery show, and she has to guard against black roses to bomb the venue.

To prevent Shen Lin, Lu Mengxi came to trouble.

Everything is arranged to perfection, but I forgot that foreign friends are not far away, stepping on her face and saying that she is plagiarizing is simply unreasonable.

Megan blushes, his eyes are dodging, the reporter will not let her go, and they come up around her.

"I don't know, I don't know anything!"

At first, he jumped out and said that Bailey, who was plagiarized, was even more embarrassed. The French gentleman’s face was stunned. Like he was stunned, he hadn’t recovered for a long time. He quickly apologized.

"Miss Shen, I am sorry, I don't know." Bailey said, "We started to prepare jewelry a year ago, and we are going to go public soon. I suddenly saw the same work in the first step. I am apologetic. I am sorry. ”

Shen Qianshu said, "I don't know who is not guilty. If you misunderstand it, you can do it. Of course, the lawsuit, you still have to eat."

Bailey’s face changed.

Shen Qianshu said, "I don't care if you are unintentional or interested, stepping on the country gate, stepping on my face during my first jewellery show, you represent the face of an international brand, I also represent The face of BG, we Chinese people, the most loved face."

Bailey said, ''Miss Shen, misunderstanding one, misunderstanding one.'

Shen Qianshu laughed and said nothing. If she is not tougher, then everyone will be in front of her face and come to a plagiarism. Over time, her reputation will not be very good.

Megan said, "I don't know anything, I don't know anything!"


If Shen Qianshu plagiarism became a hot search.

Soon, Shen Qianshu glory for the jewelry industry, but also quickly searched.

On all major platforms, it’s a big red.

B is a national brand, a symbol of luxury jewelry, their home design has always been unique, each piece is a boutique, their brand effect is not a higher grade than domestic luxury goods.

The brand effect of AG jewelry is not as good as B in the world.

Their designers have always been high above, foreign designers want to compete with the B family, it is unlikely, Shen Qianshu gave the domestic designers, and vie for light.

For a long time, the manufacture of Huaguo has represented the impression of a plagiarism and a cottage in the country.

Foreign luxury goods have always been the main design, the high class.

The slogan of never-plagiarism, free design.

It is not so easy for Chinese designers to want to spend a lot of time abroad.

Today, Shen Qianshu makes them realize.

Plagiarism is a bad habit in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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