Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1211: Call Dad! !

Chapter 1211 is called Dad! !

The night majestic eyes are hot and scary. He is a hard-working faction. He has consistently adhered to the principle of doing more and less, and she stripped her away in a moment. The clothes were randomly thrown away, and the tie was pulled off by the teacher and tied. Her hands, Shen Qianshu's hands tied to reach out, can only helplessly kneel, the body of the night to cover up, biting her ear.

"Call Dad!!"

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Lying in a slot! ! ! ! !

Hello, ah, ah! !

She can't look directly at Dad's words.

She hadn't had time to let go and squander herself. The night mausoleum was already like a broken bamboo. She began to enjoy this sweet meal. Shen Qianshu wanted to cry and tears. Knowing a name made him so mad, she said nothing can be called.


The children's paintings and several security guards finished the golf ball in the back and bounced back. They happily picked up a bunch of flowers. The living room was very quiet. The burger followed him crazy all day, and he was very strong and strong. He was trained by children's paintings. Very well-behaved.

"Mummy, your lovely baby is coming back."

No one answered.

The chefs are preparing dinner.

"Zhong burning, Mommy hasn't come back yet?"

The burning side of the clock does not lie and lie. "She hasn't got off work yet."

"I saw her car."

The clock was very calm. "She has something to do and drive another car out."

"Oh, okay." asked the child painting, "What about you?"

"He is working overtime!"

The children's paintings looked at the burning in disbelief. "He is working overtime, you are not waiting, what are you hanging out? More, security brothers, how do you all go downstairs?"

Ah Da said, "Little Master, we got a drone today, you want to play, you can take aerial photography."

The children's drawing jumped up happily. "Yes, I want to play the drone, teach me, teach me."

"Yes, little young master." Ah Da and several security guards took the drone, and Zhong Zhong erected his thumb silently. On the transfer of children's attention, it is still quite powerful.

The drone is something like an automatic sweeping robot. It is very thin, not too big. It is very functional. In addition to being able to shoot aerially, it can also be attacked. It is a weapon.

The night courts have long noticed the huge business opportunities behind the drones. They have been studying drones a few years ago. The night mausoleum is also planning to get involved in the domestic drone field and has been testing it recently.

A large closed a lot of functions, opened an aerial camera function, teach children to play drones, children's paintings can use remote control, control the direction of the drone, remote control connected to a handheld computer, you can watch the drone in real time Picture.

The children's paintings were attracted by the fresh toys, and immediately forgot the things that the Mommy had not returned home, and concentrated on the drone aerial photography.

Just played for half an hour.

The children’s painting snorted and asked a little confused. “Ada, are we not in the private sector here? Some people are sneaking in the forest and don’t know what to do.”

It was also a coincidence that the drone he controlled, running away from the distance, went to the border between golf and forest. A big look, two men, are planning to cross the forest.

Ada took a radio microphone and told a few security guards to look at it in the past.

“Will it be Yang Ping?”

"I don't know, take a look first."

The two men were also very clever. They saw the drone and ran quickly when they got on the bus. Ada sent another team to chase.

(End of this chapter)

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