Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1213: Miss Shen is not a fuel-efficient lamp

Chapter 1213 Miss Shen is not a fuel-efficient lamp

She almost didn't vomit blood.

Son, you professional pit mom! ! !

The night mausoleum lifted slightly, "slowly drink, no one grabs."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

I couldn't help but think of some pictures that were not suitable for children last night, and the evil behavior of a certain kind of clothing and beast. The face was hot and there was no need to have a hole to drill in.

Too shameful.

I was scared by my son early in the morning.

"Mummy, what's the matter with you, are you too anxious?" The child looked at her with concern and re-raised her a glass of milk.

Children's paintings are scared by you.

On the opposite side of the clothing of the beast, the end of a pair of calm and good posture, like nothing has happened, Shen Qianshu asked, "Hello, what dad shouted..."

It is really not to say ah ah! !

"Oh, isn’t it a meaning to be a father and a daddy? It seems to be close."

Shen Qianshu knocked on his head. "Nothing, don't change your name."

"Ah, okay." The children's paintings vomited at the night to vomit their tongues. "Good morning."


What the night cemetery had to say, Shen Qianshu picked up a toast and hurriedly ran, yelling and yelling, "I am going to work."


"Mummy, you haven't eaten breakfast yet..."


BG office.

Yunan’s face was not good in the early morning. When she opened the morning session, she was on a desert. Shen Qianshu and his team had a small gap. They didn’t know what Chen Hao and Zhou Sen had said. The appearance of a space tour of the gods opened the morning meeting.

After the morning meeting, it was morning tea time.

Yunan pondered for one night, "Thousand trees, the man yesterday, who are you, brother?"

"Yes, my brother."

"Are you not an only child?" Yunan thought of Shen Qianshu's complicated life. "Have you found your own biological parents?"

The identity of Shen Qianshu is still a secret. Not many people know that even if he is close to Yunan, she does not know. She said, "Yes, I found my biological parents. There are six brothers on the top. I saw the five brothers yesterday. He is a cartoonist and usually has a house."

Yunan thought, it is a cartoonist, it is quite in line with his temperament, a little melancholy painter's temperament, he has some hard to say, "How old is he?"


Yunan’s heart stunned, twenty-nine years old, “Is it married?”

"No, my girlfriend is not."

Yunan's face turned white, and the morning sun passed through the shackles and cast in, but it brought a burst of coolness. At the age of twenty-nine, it was a bit of a house, a cartoonist, an artist, and no girlfriend.

It’s not a fake mother, it’s gay, there’s nothing else to explain.

Looking at a talent, it is pitiful, I really want to be a... small.

"Yunan, what's wrong with you?" Shen Qianshu poured a cup of milk tea for him, worried, and this is to be ruined. What happened to him recently?

Yunan hurriedly stood up. "I went to the bathroom."

Shen Qianshu is confused and slightly confused. What happened? In the morning of Yun'an, there were snacks and restlessness, until the delegation of B came over.

The B delegation came from three people, one lawyer, two managers in the public relations department, and their faces were so bad that they didn’t seem to be negotiating at all.

"Miss Shen is a big shelf, I don't want to bathe incense to see you?"

"If you want to bathe and burn incense, I don't mind." Shen Qianshu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was easily stabbed back by a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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