Chapter 1231 is called scorpion

I thought that being told by others that he was not married, Shen Qianshu would feel embarrassed and would be unhappy. Who knows that the children’s paintings look at him with a smile, and they have a well-thought-out look.

Meng Qi does not fight one place.

The night tomb has sunk, "Call the blind!"

Meng Qi reluctantly shut up, that is, refused, the night mausoleum said faintly, "Do not call the blind, do not have to call my brother in the future."

Luther butler didn't mean to save the child. He stared at the children's painting. He took a dish and he secretly remembered it. Meng Qi was stubborn and wronged. I was a reluctant to succumb to violence. ""

Shen Qianshu said with a smile, "Hey!"

In fact, she doesn't hate Meng Qi, and she can't talk about it. I can see it. I think this guy is actually very flattering. It's really puzzling to make yourself feel like you don't love it.

Meng Qi shouted like a dumb, never talking again.


After a restful night, Shen Qianshu began to prepare for evidence. She went back to school and found the mentor of the year. She asked for a certificate. Two games were taught by the instructor to help her register, and the tutor knew that she was short of money. , gave her advice, forging identity is a relatively simple thing, because many people in the jewelry competition are anonymous.

As long as it can be contacted, the review is not strict.

After getting the information of the instructor, after the video, Shen Qianshu went to the organizer of the competition. The evidence for this is a little harder. The video of the game is still there. How can she prove that she is the girl of the competition? Difficulty.

In particular, there are three games, she is a men's wear.

Dressing up a man, she is really handy, so it is very difficult to obtain evidence, but fortunately she is not in a hurry to complete it all day, only slowly.

The people in the night to contact the black rose are not too few people in France. One of them has a special status. Many outsiders listen to him. People are not in Paris. In a small town, the night is the second day. Arranged the helicopter and looked for it with a bell.

When he left, Shen Qianshu was extremely uneasy. "I want to go with you."

The night tomb shook his head. "You stayed in Paris to collect evidence. I came back in three days."

He was very determined, Shen Qianshu finally gave up, listened to his words, stayed in Paris, Luther butler with children's paintings in Paris every day, he is an old Paris, where fun, where there are delicious, very clear.

Shen Qianshu was extremely distressed. He watched his son almost fattened by the naked eye. "Luther, your body is still doing treatment, your energy is not good, don't take him everywhere, the children are energetic, I can't eat." ”

This is the truth, the children's drawing is almost eight years old. The young boy of this age is the age of cats and dogs. It is very active, energetic, and rebellious. When he started to listen to his elders, Luther worked tirelessly to play with children's paintings. She is all distressed by Luther's body.

Luther said, "Miss Shen, I am not working hard at all. After I asked a doctor to treat me specifically, my body is not as strong as I was in the past. Now I am also energetic. I am not playing with Paris. hard."

Everyone is like a treasure, and it’s true that Lud is really as fond of children’s paintings as eyeballs. Childlike paintings also like Luther, and a grandfather is so cheerful.

(End of this chapter)

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