Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1322: Her daughter

Chapter 1322, her daughter

Her daughter!

It’s so good, grown up, slim, and a cute little grandson, she seems to be satisfied, but this loss and regret make her feel at a loss.

She missed them after all.

Gu Yuanli and Gu Xie and others finally came back. Shen Qianshu got off the bus and saw Gu Chun pushing the square red sleeves in front of her. Her eyes were suddenly attracted by the square red sleeves.

She wore a large skirt, draped in a blanket, her hair was simply held, her face was very young, and her time seemed to be fixed on her face for more than 20 years. She was very kind to her. She and Shen Qianshu stand together like a pair of sisters, unlike mother and daughter, the eyes of Fang Hongshou are instantly red.

"Mom!" Shen Qianshu walked over quickly, half-squatting in front of the wheelchair, tears in her eyes, her mother... beautiful and temperament, she finally knew who the eyes of the children's paintings were.

And Fang Hong sleeves as a withdrawal.

Compared to the children's paintings with a delicate peach eye, the square red peach's peach eyes are extraordinarily deserted, and there is no style.

Her voice whimpered in her throat, and she couldn’t speak out. Gu Chun secretly wiped her tears, and Fang Hong’s sleeve trembled and stroked the hair of Qian’s tree, and the pain in her heart was pumping.

"Mom, go to call Qianshu, my father and my brothers call me a little sapling."

"Small... sapling!" Fang Hong sleeve shed tears. "Hello, I am a mother."

The people around me cried in tears, Shen Qianshu hugged the square red sleeves. "Mom, we will get better and better, your illness will be better, I will always be with you."

Fang Hong sleeve cried silently, holding her hand tightly and nodding.

Shen Qianshu beckoned to let the children draw, "Come on."

"Grandma, I am a child painting."


"Oh, I am a child painting."

"It's so cute." Fang Hongshou cried so much that he couldn't help but look at Gu Chun. His heart was full of happiness. The loss and regret of being covered by the smile of the child's painting was particularly sweet. "Hey, you are young, you have to When I go out, everyone thinks that you are my sister."

Everyone, "..."

The child painting is so snoring, the atmosphere of sorrow and sadness has changed into a style of painting. He turns around the square red sleeves, and his mouth is sweetly smeared with honey, and the square red sleeves are boasted from beginning to end.

Gu Chun thought that the family was finally reunited.

There is no regret that he died.

The children's paintings can make the elders obedient, and Gu Yuanli brought Shen Qianshu to the side. "Small saplings, the news that my mother woke up, I have already let go, she...may find the door."

Shen Qianshu also expected to turn around and look at the square red sleeves in the wheelchair. A fire in his heart burned. "I know, I will let Li Zhiyuan send people to stare at her. People on your side should also pay attention."

Gu Yuanli nodded and the two exchanged information.

"She has always been hiding in the mountains, it is strange, and I have not found the sixth brother?"

Gu Yuanli shook his head. "Small six didn't have any feelings for her. She didn't use Xiaoliu. The Yang family had found it, but they didn't dare to get her."

"Mama woke up, she was afraid that she would jump over the wall." Shen Qianshu said faintly, "That's waiting for her to vote for the net, yes, I am going into the black rose, don't let her know, lest it be stimulated."

"You can rest assured that I am measured and no one tells my mother."

Shen Qianshu nodded. As long as Yang Ping was solved, her mother would no longer be in danger.

Continue to update in the afternoon! !

(End of this chapter)

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