Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1331: Cute little pear vortex

Chapter 1331 Cute Little Pear Vortex

The night mausoleum took a deep breath and seemed to endure an unacceptable thing. "Shen Qianshu, what do you mean? He is so poor, so you want him, don't want me, are you?"

Shen Qianshu, "Of course not!"

The world and you, as long as you, I would rather abandon the world.

You are my obsession, and I am the reason why I forgive the past and embrace the future after seven years.

"Okay, don't say it."

Shen Qianshu took the wrath of the night tomb, "Sir, don't be angry."

"There are more poor people in the world, are you coming over poorly?"

"But they are not you." Shen Qianshu said, "In my heart, Noah is different from them, because he is you when you were young."

When you were young, the one you fantasized in your heart.

"Large and young!" The bell rushed in a hurry, his face was extremely anxious, "There is something wrong!"

"what happened?"

"Two less disappeared at sea!"


In the dead sea, a pirate ship is slowly moving in the wide sea, the sea is as calm as a mirror, and it is like a still picture, lonely and domineering, with a pirate ship painted on the flagpole.

This is a famous pirate ship. It is a ghost. The captain is called Bruce and is an American. This time it robbed a merchant ship and quickly locked the target mission night on the merchant ship.

Inside the cabin, a sailor gave the photo to Bruce. "The captain, confirmed, this is the younger brother of the night mausoleum. It is not a problem to exchange Yang Ping with him. There are too few people who value the night mausoleum. This is the only thing we can catch. The person who lives."

Bruce nodded. "Good job, get the money out."


Bruce is a rough man, not very old. After taking the pirate ship for four years, he is a very domineering leader. Everyone on board takes him.

Knocked on the door, a woman in red came in, her dress was extraordinarily exotic, a red, a thin silver chain around her waist, colorful beads hanging, wearing leather boots, wearing a ruby ​​forehead The hair is loosely tied together. Skin white wins snow, teeth white lips red, round face, laughing with two small dimples.

"Bruce, I heard that you caught someone, I am going to interrogate."

When Bruce saw her, her eyebrows became very soft. "A early, what is good for outsiders, the dungeons on the ship are dark and damp, so don't look at them."

"Listen to Xiaoliu, I am taller than you, I am going to take a look!" The girl caught an apple and went out loudly. Bruce hurriedly called someone. "Go and watch, don't let her and The outsiders are too close."


The night court was tied to the cell by the five flowers. It was very embarrassing. With a little blood on his body, he was splashed with a few pots of water. For several days, he had never shaved, and the gentle and beautiful son of Wenrun, like a jade, changed into a style of painting and became a lonely man. The clothes on the body were also wet and sticky on the clothes. It was extremely uncomfortable. The night court was still wearing chains on the feet and could not move. A sailor was using his sentence to force him to transfer assets.

The night court licked his fingers and was inserted into the needle, blood dripping, and the tiger fell to Pingyang was bullied by the dog. He was bloody, and was sent to the dead sea by an inexplicable tornado, and he encountered the notorious pirate. Lost all contact with the outside world.

"Night court, I advise you, don't resist." One person's long whip, let him take another whip. "You can't change your color when you use it. We kill you, throw it into the sea and feed the fish. Who can find it?" Not you."

(End of this chapter)

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