Chapter 1339 Idol Achu

"Miss Achu!"

"Shut up!" Didn't lift at the beginning of the night, staring at the approaching storm ahead, "right full rudder!"

The whole ship quickly filled the right side, and the eyes were shining at the beginning of the night. "Listen, if you want to live, let your mind go and listen to me!"

Everyone was scared by the beginning of the night.

This is for the whole boat to pass through the tornado.

This is too dangerous, they will be beaten without bones!

Bruce, "Achu!"

"Full speed ahead!"

The girls have been under pressure for a long time. They closed their eyes and rushed straight to the storm. The whole storm center was black. The sea rolled up a huge vortex. Everyone closed their eyes and waited. The storm tore them all into pieces, only at the beginning of the night, squinting.

The speed of the ship passed through the storm eye very quickly, just passing through the center of the storm eye, but even so, the storm hit the window, the windows of the room were cracked, and the water was poured in.

At the beginning of the night, all the outside was dark and the whole ship was violently bumped. For example, the flying plane had an airflow layer, and the extra bumps and the dungeons were passing through the storm hole. The bottom of the ship was suddenly scraped by the hook. The water overflowed, and the night court only felt bumpy at first, and the bumps were moved to the position, and the throat was nausea and vomiting.

But then, he seemed to step on the water, and the sea gradually came in. Soon, the sea water spread to the knees, and the night court was turned black and didn't notice.

When he noticed, the sea was on his knees.

"anyone there?"

There is no one outside, everyone is in their own room, everyone, waiting for the storm to pass, this is a particularly terrible storm, they all think they will be torn into pieces by the storm, everyone is uneasy of.

They were filled with fear. In the center of the storm, someone opened their eyes and looked at the dark days outside. They felt that they would be torn into pieces in the next second.

The vessel was able to quickly pass the storm eye in the command of Achu, and smoothly passed the center of the tornado, as long as it faced ordinary storms and waves.

This is not a difficult thing for experienced people.

"Ah, we are saved."

: "We are saved."

"Miss Achu is too powerful."

"Miss Achu is our idol!"

After the robbery, they celebrated their escape from the crisis and celebrated their escape. They happily ran around and embraced their little friends.

The heart that hung at the beginning of the night gradually fell down. It seems that everything has never happened. The little girl who just became domineering does not seem to exist. Bruce only felt amazing at the moment.

His first time, really so dazzling.

No one can stop her edge.

Bruce asked, "Check it out, is there any problem with the vessel?"

“Reporting the captain, the hull has some slight water inflow, the overall impact is not great, we are draining, and we should be able to handle it in an hour.”

Bruce nodded and asked at the beginning of the night, "Is the dungeon in the water?"

The night court only feels extremely painful. Every wound in the body is incredibly painful. The water in the lower layer is particularly serious. The water has already passed over his chest. The night court is like being whipped.

Today's update is over! !

(End of this chapter)

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