Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1361: 汝之蜜糖,我砒砒霜

Chapter 1361, Honey, My Cream

Throughout the sea, the fire was everywhere. The boat at night was close to the sea, and the boat was put down. The boat slowly approached the sea and surrounded the ship that was on fire. The night tomb went to the hospital with Shen Qianshu and handed the matter to the bell. .

The night court said faintly, "Do not let a person live, search carefully, sink to the bottom of the sea, and dig it out."


"Bruce..." was stopped by a special agent at the beginning of the night, frantically struggling, "Three uncles, Xiaoliu... let me go, let me go!"

At the beginning of the night, she pulled out her own dagger and tied it to the agent who stopped him. The agent did not dare to hurt her. She was hiding from the wolf. She accidentally let go of her. She ran wildly at night, and her footsteps were soft. The boats were on fire, the fuel tank was broken, the entire sea was also on fire, and the boat became an encirclement, trapping everyone inside.

"Small six, three uncles..." madly ran towards the coast at night, and the night court stretched out his hand to stop her. "Not allowed!"

"Night court, you lie to me!" At the beginning of the night, glaring at him, his hands beat him indiscriminately. "You actually lied to me, you said that you will let them go."

"I didn't say that I wanted to put Yang Ping." The night court said calmly, "Bruce helped him, and I gave him the choice. He insisted on his own way."

"What are the faults of our entire ship, what are they wrong? They have never been involved in your war. Why do you want to kill them all? Why do you rely on it?" At the beginning of the night, the mood was extraordinarily excited.

Suddenly, one eye has a blue light, the night court is wide-eyed, and the mind is blank. I can only see the cold mang, and the dagger at the beginning of the night is inserted directly into his heart. "I hate you!"

There was a numbness of pain in the chest. At the beginning of the night, he violently opened him and ran to the coast. The night court squatted on the white sand and a special agent ran over. "Two less, two less!"

He was so scared that he didn't want to hide his body. He didn't expect the night court to avoid her knife. The blood stained the white shirt of the night court. The agent was so angry that the muzzle was facing the back of the night, just about to pull the trigger. The night court suddenly caught his gun.

"you dare!"

"Two less!"

There was a dull pain in the heart. The night court knew that he couldn’t hold it, and clutched the agent’s arm. “Tell me, I want to live at night, no one wants to move her hair!”

"Two less!"


The night court was stunned and stunned. Not far from the gunshots, the back was cold. He was eager to deal with the army on the island. He didn’t expect the night court to smash a knife. Right in the heart.

"Who did it?"

"At the beginning of the night, the second said, don't move her hair."

Bell burning, "..."

"What are you doing, prepare for the operating room to rescue!" The voice of the night tomb came from behind, Shen Qianshu was not fatally wounded, but he lost too much blood. He left a person to look at Shen Qianshu. When he came out, he heard that the night court had a knife. .


The eyes of the night majesty are sometimes red, sometimes clear, and the clock is really afraid that he shot at the beginning of the night, hurriedly said, "Large and small, two less said, don't move a hair at the beginning of the night, you... don't be impulsive, calm!"

Be sure to be calm.

The honey of 汝, my arsenic, has always been like this!

The people of the night mausolery, with excellent equipment, achieved a repressive victory, and soon suppressed the army on the island and let them back, and the night mausoleum looked at the sea with a gaze.

There is a feeling of dust settled.


Some of my friends said that I didn't read the comments of the small reading. I commented on both sides of the day, but the phone could not be bound to the account, so there was no way to reply. I used the previous number of French comments to show the reader number, so I have been I didn’t see it.

This plot is a bit difficult, write slowly, sorry!

I continue to write.

(End of this chapter)

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