Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1396: Missed each other

Chapter 1396 missed each other

"Yes, it’s too much." Shen Qianshu didn’t know what relationship between Li Chen and Bo Yi people. "I and Bo Yi people were unhappy because of the disease of the night mausoleum. So I took the night mausoleum and I was injured. I think she The attitude toward the night Mausoleum is very strange."

"Would you like me to help you inquire, forget it, I won't go, I just lost face today, I won't go to find Li Chen." Yunan rushed to the girlfriends to help each other, want to help Shen Qianshu, and I feel too humiliated and don't want to go to Li Chen.

He madly and Shen Qianshu spit, and Shen Qianshu as a trash can, telling that there are more than 20 minutes, Li Chen from the beginning to the end, Shen Qian trunk brittle hands-free.

Lying on the beach, it doesn't matter if you don't respond for a minute. Occasionally, Yunan can squat on his own.

"You still help me to inquire about it." Waiting for Yunan to vent, well, Shen Qianshu said.

"Don't go!" Yunan is too shameful, "very shameful."

"Where is it shameful?" Shen Qianshu said, "You will ask him with confidence. Is it a pair? Do you like women and like men? Deceive feelings. Why do I only like you? You still like so many people. It must be questioned clearly, and it is justified."

"it's not good."

"Nothing is bad, break up, but also come up with momentum."

Yunan was taken away by Shen Qianshu. She even thought that she said it was very reasonable. Did Li Chen really like others? Lying in the trough, like a thousand trees, five brothers are better than a woman.

Why? ! !

Yunan gas is sore.

"You can help me inquire about it. What did Xiaoyi say? Have you said anything about the night mausoleum? When he and Bo Yiren met, I always have an ominous premonition." Shen Qianshu has a vague idea in his heart. However, I am not sure, is Li Chen the enemy of the night tomb?

"I went out that day, less than half a day, went back to the night tomb and went crazy. I don't know what Bo Yiren said. I don't believe that he will go crazy for no reason."

However, Bo Yi is always a psychologist at the Night Mausoleum. She did not look at the Buddha face and did not mention it.

Yunan’s moments are full of pride. “Well, I will help you to find out, inquire about it, and tell you right away.”

"Sure enough friends, not afraid of shame?"

"Not afraid!"

Yunan vowed, "I will help you with this, you will wait."

When he returned to the city, he went to Li Chen's house. He clearly had a key. When he said his ex-boyfriend, he was not good enough to go in. He also had a temper. Yunan was waiting outside.

He didn't eat anything at noon, and he drove for a long time at night. He was hungry. When he saw the time, it was ten o'clock. Li Chen had not returned yet.

Lonely man and woman go out and don't go home at ten!

Too much!

Is it difficult to open a house?

Yunan seems to eat flies, swallowing is not, spit is not, eyeballs have to be smashed out, hungry and tired, feeling that they are little cabbage no one hurts no one loves.

I waited until the early morning, finally saw Li Chen's car, he was also hungry, his brain was a bit unclear, originally wanted to hide not so shameful, the result was seen by Li Chen.

"How are you at my house?"

Yunan directly blackened his face. "Oh, the home of the ex-boyfriend, I can't come, isn't it?"

Li Chen was laughed. "I have been waiting for you for a few hours in your home. You are here, don't you watch the mobile phone?"

(End of this chapter)

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