Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1409: Noah's heart

Chapter 1409, Noah's Mind

"Go down!" The threat of the evil spirits of the night tomb Shen Qianshu, "I will hit you!"

"Come on." Shen Qianshu got together, his face was provocative, "Call me."

The two are very close together, the atmosphere blends together, her body is dark and fragrant like a blue, has a soft taste, attracts people, Noah's mind passes some unharmonious pictures, breathing slightly sinks, the throat knot slides up and down As long as she is slightly sideways, she can kiss her lips.

No, Bo Yi said that she is not his, is the night tomb, the child is also the night tomb, they want to kill him, no longer want him, no longer want him.

Noah was mad, and Shen Qianshu was shocked. He held his head and kissed his lips. The gentle kiss with a hint of salty water took away his temporary impatience and anger, like a gentle one. Hand, gently touching his back, his soul, gave him a warm guardian, Shen Qianshu kneeling between his legs, one hand pressed his shoulder, stubbornly kissed his lips.

Noah, there is wisdom!

She was so happy, working hard for so long, and letting him relax for so long, finally let him relax, Shen Qianshu’s tongue tipped slightly on his lips and opened his lips, Noah suddenly caught Holding her in her arms, she was anti-customer and kissed her lips deeply. He seemed to bite a very delicious cake and sucked constantly.

Her taste is so fascinating, he knows what it is.

A hot French deep kiss, he kissed out the feeling of gorging, she was inexplicably scared, slightly against his chest, Noah noticed her resistance, and gently bite on her lips.

Shen Qianshu shouted, his eyes looked at him wet, full of grievances and protests. Noah’s face was expressionless, without fluctuations, staring at her, and he took a thousand angles and held her in the sea. Looking at her in a condescending manner, the waves gently hit them, and Shen Qianshu was dark.

Noah will not drown her?

So rough?

do not! !

Noah took a deep breath and watched her lips bright red, her eyes blurred, and she couldn't speak for a while.

His hands were loose, and Shen Qianshu fell into the sea. When she climbed up, Noah had already come ashore. It was very cloudy. Shen Qianshu climbed up and chased it up.

"Noah, you wait for me..."

Noah went to the shore, walking like a wind, just ignore the Shen Qianshu, returned to the villa, Shen Qianshu also chased back, the villa is Noah's restricted area, except Shen Qianshu, no one can go in, or Noah will be mad.

Noah was sitting in the yard in the sea, Shen Qianshu was tired, I was not so tired of raising my son, and I had to sacrifice the color and sorrow. I still couldn’t help it. It was very wronged.

In the yard, Noah sat in a chair, sitting cross-legged and looking at the back, I was very angry, don't come to provoke my breath, Shen Qianshu changed a clean dress, and took a clean dress down, promised Ya did not know what to think. He closed his eyes and decided to settle down. Shen Qianshu wondered if he had anything to worry about.

Noah’s heart...

He did not say how she knew.

The mind of the night mausoleum is not a good guess, but it is not like Noah. It is simply a matter of incomprehensibility. There is no law at all.

Very tired.

"Noah, you are in poor health, can't blow, change your clothes, or you will catch cold."

(End of this chapter)

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