Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1442: Not as good as you are

Chapter 1442 is not as good as you are.

Shen Qianshu ran barefoot on the beach, chasing his footsteps, pulling his sleeves. The sleeves of the pajamas were extraordinarily wide and extraordinarily long. The winds on the sea in the middle of the night were so loud that they hunted and screamed.

In the dead of night, there are several tents in the distance, white girls, nights and children's paintings all sleeping in tents, simple labs, and sporadic lights.

Shen Qianshu grabbed his hand, "Night Mausoleum, you stand!"

She chased her breath, and she rarely called his name. When she was angry, she rarely got angry with the night tomb. Every time she called his husband, there was always a hidden happiness.

Husband = Mr.

The night mausoleum paused and looked at him with a blank expression. The amber eyes were clear and clear, and there was no shadow of Noah. Shen Qianshu took his hand.

He is the least suitable patient in the world.

But I can't blame him.

Because he does not know that he is not a dual personality, he always thought that he is a dual personality, plus even if he has doubts, he is not willing to go deep into it. Over time, it becomes a habit.

Long illness, become a habit.

Performing, acting, it becomes natural.

He stared at her and remembered her after the reunion. At that time, when she faced him, she was always cautious and very embarrassed. He didn't want her to fear him at all, but there was no way.

Fear is in her heart and has long been ingrained.

They have experienced honour and humiliation, experienced life and death, never give up, and the heart is always together. Finally, she waited until she was not afraid of him. She was warm and lively, and in his eternal years, he injected a strong rainbow.

But this rainbow also lights up the life of another person.


She gently pulled his hand and entangled her fingers. She simply said the recent suspicions and theoretical summaries. "Sir, you have no double personality. Noah is your fantasy figure. You have always fantasized about Noah. Will become your protector, Noah will appear when you can't solve things, Noah will appear when you are in a mental breakdown, you think about it, every time Noah appears, is your weakest, most collapsed, most When you want to escape."

When you feel the predicament in front of you, you can't handle it, Noah will appear, help you deal with it, simple and rude, when you want a mental breakdown, Noah will come out, instead of suffering from the collapse.

He is a character in your fantasy, and you are playing him, you are him, he is you.

"Nonsense!" In the heart of the night, he did not admit that Noah and he were the same person. Whether he or Noah, they were too deep into the play. They could never easily admit that they were alone.

"Would you like to marry him, and even use this ridiculous reason to convince me?" The nightmare was furious, and the voice overshadowed the roar of the waves. Even if the gas reached the extreme, she could not bear to move her a finger.

He has run out himself and wants to calm down for a while.

Why did she not rush out and try to convince him.

Convince him what to do, marry Noah?

Shen Qianshu is not angry. "Do you think that I am not in love, fall in love with Noah, don't love you?"

This topic is heavy.

The wind blew his broken hair on his forehead, and he was caught off guard for a while. Shen Qianshu spread his hands and hardened his heart. It doesn't matter, "Lingling, this is the case, you will become me and Noah."

Night Mausoleum, "..."

He wants to kill!


Today's update is over. I will update it at 12 o'clock tomorrow. I will ask for the monthly ticket in the hands of the little fairies. Now it is double.

(End of this chapter)

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