Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1445: Scorpion, save me! !

Chapter 1445, Scorpion, save me! !

Shen Qianshu had some sadness to look at him. "But I am different. I can tell you anything."

She said that she was a little sad. In addition to the psychiatrist, he would not confide in the past with the people. The participants couldn’t hide it because of the burning of the fire. The psychiatrist could not hide it. It does not mean that. The psychologist's position in his heart is not as good as her.

"You...for me, with the doctor, okay?" Shen Qianshu gently pulled his sleeve, like a spoiled, and like a pleading, she was a crisp and neat temper, but it was hard for him. Not temper.

"If not, you really have to fulfill me and Noah."

"you dare!"

Shen Qianshu looked at him provocatively. "You dare not dare!"

There is nothing in this world that she dare not dare.

The night mausoleum was black as the bottom of the pot, and the anger of the anger was splashing, holding the fist in a deadly manner. "There is no need to go see it again. My illness has already reached a conclusion."

"I don't believe in thin people, nor believe in his master. Who knows that they are not qualified enough."

"There is no doubt that I am a family genetic disease. My mother is also a dual personality, and my grandmother is also."

"Family genetic disease, why isn't there a child painting?"

She did see his genealogy. The dual personality is indeed the genetic disease of their family. The family inheritance may be due to family inheritance, so the doctor concluded that it is earlier?

"He is very lucky."

Shen Qianshu endured a smile, and the tone of the night mausole was really no envy. She walked over and walked around him. "You cooperate with the white girl. If they diagnose it is a double personality, I will never mention it again." ”

"Laughter you and his wedding."

"it is good!"


Shen Qianshu, "..."

Engaged for a long time, is to cancel the wedding? Lying in the trough, you said earlier, it is not so regrettable to marry twice.

The Mausoleum was still worried about Shen Qianshu’s marriage to Noah. He was unacceptable. The whole process was black-faced. The team of Black Rose’s doctors was very happy and began to check him.

When I saw his brother coming back at night, I was very happy. The night Ling thought that he was very unsightly. It was originally the world of him and Shen Qianshu. The people of the black rose came, and they did not bother to disturb him.

His brother is not enough.

"You are idle all day, nothing to do, how long it has been on the island, not going back."

When the night was overwhelmed, he was always idle and had nothing to do.

What do you need to do for a rich three generations who are rich in the world?

The sky is falling, there is a brother.

One can't, he still has two!

"I have a business." The night looked at the night tomb.

"What is the right thing?"

The night girl pointed to the white girl not far away, the white girl was not knowing what to say with the children's painting, the smile was as beautiful as the sunset, and the night looked obsessive. "I want to chase her, hehe."

The night mausoleum broke his wishful dreams and smirk, "She can't look at you!"

Night, "..."

Is this my brother? He grievously looked at Shen Qianshu, asking for help, and couldn’t talk anymore! ! !

"Mr...." Shen Qianshu's lips can't help but rise, and the bottom of his heart is like a flower. "I heard that you let Noah design a wedding jewelry, and let people design a wedding dress..."

The night tomb stood up and looked at the oncoming white scorpions. For the first time, I felt that the white scorpions were so pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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