Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1450: Mom, don't leave me.

Chapter 1450 Mother, don't leave me

Xiaoye Ling looked at Anfeier, but she didn't know her. The picture turned and saw Anfeier and a man talking outside the castle. The little nightling stood behind the curtain and looked at it in horror. That was His father, the two seemed to be arguing, the voice was very loud, and the father finally went away.

Anfeier took the night tomb and got off the house.

He was abused from an early age and has always been a little autistic. He took the plane for the first time and went to the city of A. It seemed to be what he had foreseen. He suddenly struggled and held the legs of Anfei, and he cried into tears.

"Mom, don't send me away, don't send me away."

Anfeier looked at him sadly. Xiaoyeling couldn't see her disappointment. At that time, she only looked down and wept. She didn't see her mother's last resort. Her hand was placed on his head and gently stroked.

"You are the night house, and you have to go back."

"I don't want to leave my mother, mother, don't send me away." Even if his mother is not normal, he always beats him. He still doesn't want to go. The most familiar people in the world, only mothers, the autistic nights are reluctant to enter. In an unfamiliar environment.

He resisted the scorn of Anfeier, but he couldn’t say anything, "How dare I leave you again."

In front of the old house at night.

Anfei squatted down, stroked his head and kissed his cheek. "Baby, go to the night house, listen to your father's words, be jealous, and hurt your brother. Don't mention your mother, do you know? Wait for you to grow up. You understand. Mom can't raise you because..."

She paused and smiled sadly. "You will grow up safely."

"Don't!" Xiaoyeling was miserable. He didn't understand why his mother didn't want him, and he didn't have enough mental ability to analyze the situation at hand. "Mom, I will obey, don't want me."

His father came out from the inside in anxiously, saw that their faces changed greatly, and looked back at the old house. He took Anfei to the side and lowered his voice. "I didn't say it, don't bring him, you will Harassed him."

"Follow me, it will hurt him."

"Then you send him to the welfare home and give it to others."

"He has a father, a mother, why should he be raised to other people, even if he is an illegitimate child, even if you disappoint me, do not want to marry me, look at his face, he is your son, is your night child I don't ask you to train him so much. I don't ask you to regard him as a biological support. Just give him a meal, let him read, be sensible, grow up safely, why will it hurt him? ?"

"Fairfield, you obey, take him away." His father sounded very anxious. "Can you give Luther to raise?"

"No!" said Anfeier. "I can send him to the underwater world, but I don't want him to be locked in the sea for the rest of my life. I don't want him to spend a lifetime in the black rose. I can let Luther raise it. Luther is just my subordinate, but also her subordinate. He can only obey. I don't give it to anyone. I can only give him to you. You can not love me, but he is your child."

"No, you don't understand!"

"Is this the grandson of our family?" An old voice came from behind, and Xiaoyeling’s tears saw a face resembling his father, but it was very old.


(End of this chapter)

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