Chapter 1461 is missing

When did this daily fireworks come to his life?

He is used to the cold and clear life of more than 20 years, and the smoke and smoke that was squeezed in at once was so comfortable.

that's nice!

He couldn't help but look at Yun'an and Shen Qianshu. His eyes sank. The two heads huddled together and whispered, and Shen Qianshu's lips would touch Yun's cheek.

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Although the hobbies are male.

But are they too close?

Li Chen was sitting in the last two rows, not far from them. Yunan was lowering his voice and talking to Shen Qianshu. Shen Qianshu asked mysteriously, "Is my big brother?"


Although Shen Qianshu did not hope, when he heard it, he still felt a little disappointed. It was really not her brother. It really was Yunan thinking more. She couldn’t help but push Yunan. "You can’t do this. Things, feeling gods, be careful, you are not normal."

Yunan couldn't help but glance back. Li Chen was reading a book. He was very serious. He was sitting around with Li Le, and he was talking. He was unmoved. I don't know if Chen Hao gave me something to see. Designers rarely go to Li Chen's. After all, it is not normal for such a high-quality single person to be here.

This made Yunan even more uncomfortable.

Li Chen looked up and Yunan hurried back, "ah..."

"what happened?"

Yunan licked his neck, Shen Qianshu just heard a squeaky voice, did you use too much force, girlfriends, Yunan looked angry, "twisted."

It hurts him.


"I will give you a glimpse." Shen Qianshu let him come over and give him a sigh of his neck. Yunan looked uncomfortable. Li Chen’s lips were slightly raised, and he looked down at the book. The night tossed his eyes and sank.

Li Chen heard the phone vibrate.

This plane is networked.

He took a look and the big boss sent a message.

Big boss: Manage your people!

Li Chen looked up and looked at the night tomb. He calmly put his mobile phone and looked up at Li Chen with a cold look. Li Chen was more calm than the night tomb. He didn't care that Shen Qianshu and Yunan were too close.

So, ignore it!

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Is it necessary to fire his squid?

Yunan’s neck was slowed down for a while, blushing, and I couldn’t wait to fly into space. I couldn’t see anyone. It was too shameful to peek at Li Chen and he was caught by him.

This is really a shame.

Shen Qianshu is very calm. "You are too thin on the cheeks. If you look at it, I want to see it. I look at the night mausoleum every time. He finds it, I laugh, you learn me."


"You have such a face, how did my brother soak up on you at the beginning." Shen Qianshu was very curious. "It took a lot of money to talk about it. Let me talk about it. I am very gossip."

"Thousands of trees, I am very sad, can you not mention it?" The big brother's thing is a scar on his heart. It can't be wiped out, nor can it be faded. No matter who lifts it up, it is a scar and pokes him. Heart, it hurts badly.

"Oh..." Shen Qianshu saw him look unhappy, a little regretted that his mouth was too fast, should not mention his brother, who knows Yunan said, "I also think about him, if he is alive, he will not be so to me. I used to sneak up on him, he never let me embarrassed."

Shen Qianshu, "..."


Today’s update is over. Youth Day and you should have nothing to do with it. You are always 18 years old! ! ! During the double of the monthly ticket, ask for the monthly ticket, the fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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