Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1474: Destiny will give us the best arrangement

Chapter 1474 Destiny will give us the best arrangement

"Thousand trees, I ask you a question. If Li Zhiyuan loves you deeply and knows that you are in danger, but you are dead instead of you, will you be touched, will there be a slight apology?"

"Apologetic and moving, naturally, yes, I am not a hard-hearted person, such a human life is there." Shen Qianshu did not think too much, this is human nature.

Yunan glanced at him. "I know, you will remember him forever."

"Wait a minute... What happened in the end, for no reason, ask me this topic, I am a bit square." Did she say something wrong? But is this not a normal mood? If a person loves you deeply and dies for you, you are indifferent, are you still worthy of being loved?

Moreover, Li Zhiyuan is her subordinate and her friend.

"Nothing, gossip." Yunan said, "I talked to Li Chen today about a problem that caused some contradictions."

Shen Qianshu suddenly realized, thinking of Li Chen's big brother, big brother loves Yunan, this complicated and tangled relationship, she does not know how to comfort Yunan, this person is lying, eyes closed, nothing knows.

The most uncomfortable thing is the person left behind.

He is the most painful.

"You don't think so much, let it be, I see Li Chen... I love you very much."

Yunan, "..."

He nodded vaguely.

Shen Qianshu said softly, "You have a good life. You are less than 30 years old this year. So young, there is a person who loves you, and you love, no matter what happened in the past, it doesn't matter, as long as you are still alive. You look at me every day, I am stalking the night mausoleum, sticking to the night mausoleum, spreading the dog food every day. You think we are very tired and very happy, but I am telling you a heartfelt words... The night mausoleum is hollowed out several times. If the foundation is broken, even if I and White Girl try to cure him, I can't guarantee that 100% will be completely cured."

"Plus the night mausoleum... heavy heart, great mental pressure, if not, it will not play a double personality, he is not a longevity, so every moment of every moment... I have used today as the last day, I have to give He is at the happiest moment in the world. If one day, he really leaves me, I want him to have no regrets."

Yunan’s eyes widened, “Thousand”

"I'm fine. I thought it very early. I thought about it very early. When I found out that he was not a dual personality, I figured it out." Shen Qianshu said softly and firmly, "I am lucky enough to get a sincerity." Hot love, this is how many people can't get it. I am also lucky enough to have a well-behaved and healthy son, and I am lucky enough to have a healthy body and a future that can be controlled, so one day is not perfect, I It is acceptable."

"No one's life is perfect, there will always be shortcomings, the most important thing is today's happiness, the past is not important, I don't even think about the past and tomorrow, I just want today."

Many things, she dare not think about it, and don't want to think about it.

Yunan suddenly became cheerful, and some had decided things for a long time. With a person’s point of mention, I immediately figured it out.

Shen Qianshu smiled and said, "Destiny will give us the best arrangement!"

Yunan held the hand of Shen Qianshu with a sigh of relief. "The night mausoleum will be fine."

"I can't manage the things of tomorrow, I am gone, I don't talk to you, I have a surprise to give him!"


I continue to write, the little fairies are happy! !

(End of this chapter)

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