Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1477: I buy you a lot of different styles.

Chapter 1477, I bought you a lot of different styles.

Shen Qianshu twisted his hips, and the fox's tail shook. The night cemetery was really curious. He touched her tail and accidentally broke the tail.

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Night Mausoleum, "........."

It was a suffocating silence. Shen Qianshu looked at the night cedar with her fox tail, almost biting the night tomb, and the heart was crazy to brush the curtain! ! !

Can you break up?

Can you break up?

Why did I talk about such a boyfriend?

What hate and blame!

I am so angry!

But she is more angry with the degree of inferiority of this **** dress, she spent 300 dollars to buy clothes, so she was cut off the tail?

Tear off the tail?

Without a tail, how does she play fox?

The night mausole glanced at the fox tail in his hand, and then looked at the Shen Qianshu, who had a look of iron and blue. He did not use force and touched it. How did it fall? The hands of the night mausole touched under her skirt, and Shen Qianshu was so angry that he took a bite on his lips.

She pushed him very angrily. "Don't play, don't play, you don't cooperate, but also break my tail, my glass heart."

She has always been a straight man.

When I met a straight man who had been in a millennium, I couldn’t get down, and I couldn’t be defeated.

The night mausoleum was slowed down, and she held her upside down and pressed it on the sofa. Shen Qianshu wanted to kick him when he lifted his foot. The nightling held her knees in one hand and locked it at the waist.

"Little fox, the official is coming..."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Shen Qianshu is a dark, lying, suffocating operation and play.

"Forget it, let's go straight to the subject!"

Shen Qianshu held his hands on the neck of the night mausoleum, circled his waist, and slightly bowed his neck with two rabbit ears. His chest, the night tomb was dark.

"Night Mausoleum, do you want to..."

Her words have not finished yet, the night tomb has kissed her lips.


"You stuffed so many sponges?"


"Where is this set of clothes bought?"


"Cute, don't tear, don't tear, expensive 哎..."

"I will buy it for you again!"


"Ah...the beast..."

"Buy you a lot, all kinds of styles."




Shen Qianshu finally realized his own ambiguity, and he continued to finish. She played a poor little fox, was eaten by violent scholars for countless times, posing in a variety of shameful postures, almost dizzy It’s gone.

If there was no training for Black Rose during that time, she couldn’t stand the violent offensive of the Night Mausoleum.

Still good during the abstinence period!

Shen Qianshu was lying in the afternoon, and he overslept directly. When he got up, his legs were soft and his movements were weak. He felt that his body was overdrawn. Although he wiped her medicine, he felt a sense of powerlessness, pain and happiness. The culprit has not disappeared.

Shen Qianshu was groomed and went downstairs. Yun An glanced at her with a resentment. Shen Qianshu was confused and confused. "Early."

"Not too late, four o'clock in the afternoon."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

"You can really sleep." Yunan said, "I have gone to the court."

Shen Qianshu was on the sofa, and her bones were too soft to move.

Yunan said, "You really will play, isn't it that the body of the night tomb has been hollowed out? Can you sing songs every night, seven times a night?"

Shen Qianshu, "..."

"(⊙o⊙)..., this... Did you hear it?" The trough, is the sound insulation so bad?

Yunan blackened his face. "I am facing you downstairs. You are so excited about a single dog who is in love. Our friendship is coming to an end."

(End of this chapter)

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