Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1484: We brought our family members

Chapter 1484, we brought family members.

Everything is familiar, familiar formula, Will only feels black in front of him, feeling that today is not a good day, not negotiable, Megan sitting on the side is very annoyed, probably because Will and Bailey compromised, Asking her to come out to block the gun, she is not convinced, but helpless, a look that is not very cooperative.

Will is very generous, let them casually, Shen Qianshu will spread a little, child painting loves not to eat is not important, he specializes in picking the most expensive, but Will does not care if he has money, Yunan opened a bottle of vintage Far from Lafite.

Will's face is the same. This group of people is like a transit locust. It may be like this. It is also this style. It is a fuss that he has never seen the world, so Will is very calm.

"Mr. Will want to reconcile with us?" Chen Yu asked.

"Yes." Will knows that Shen Qianshu is the most talkative person, looking at Shen Qianshu. "How Miss Shen feels, what conditions can be raised, we will consider it as appropriate."

Shen Qianshu went to a glass of drinking, and Yunan toast, Yunan himself is reluctant to open such expensive red wine, more than 100,000 bottles of red wine, when the collection is almost the same, the entrance is really awesome.

Gu Yuanan said, "I have a winery in France. If you like it, you can choose it."

When Li Chen, because of the origin, it seems that the local tyrant is a bit too much, not practical, it will make people suspect that his money is not the right way, but Gu Yuanan has no such troubles, he has several wineries, this In a few years, he is also a person he trusts in, and he does not belong to the ghost city industry, but his private industry.

Yunan snorted, didn't talk, and tasted the wine.

Shen Qianshu said, "Mr. Will, I wanted to reconcile with you long ago. Everyone is a person with a head and face. B is also a brand that meets the whole world. But I want to reconcile. You don't appreciate it, not only do not appreciate it, but discredit it. I used the substitute to impersonate. Now come to me. I heard that I invited people from MI6 to testify. I also know that I must not win, so come to reconcile?"

Mr. Will is a little embarrassed, but he does not retreat. If the lawsuit is lost, the loss is too heavy for them, and the private reconciliation is better. He did not expect it to be so big. He thought it was only a small matter. It’s gone.

But he ignored the man behind Shen Qianshu.

The man behind her is the night tomb.

If it is just a private high, a designer, he is very simple.

But at night, he still has some scruples, so letting things go a long way, can't be cleaned up. This time, if there is an accident, the loss is heavy.

Mr. Will said, "I was also kept in the dark at the beginning. I don't know the truth. Because it is really Megan's work. She has been an independent designer for many years in our company. We trust her very much. Miss, we are willing to apologize, compensate, what conditions do you have, you can ask."

He put his gesture very low.

Children's drawings are elegantly dine.

The food in this restaurant is really good.


Shen Qianshu smiled. "First, Megan publicly apologizes. Secondly, if you discredit me, you should apologize. Of course, your public relations team should not shame. Third, the news of Li Chen’s news, we want the truth."

She paused. "I want the apology of the B family. Don't think that Megan will be introduced. This is the case."


Today’s update is over, girls are asking for a monthly ticket哟

(End of this chapter)

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