Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1497: Little apple and little brother

Chapter 1497 Little Apple and Little Brother

Shen Qianshu originally intended to expose Megan's affairs. Once exposed, Megan did not return to the power of heaven, but she did not do it after all, did not expose Megan, and gave the night court a chance to try.

"Give him a chance, it is hard that the person he is looking for is Megan, let Megan marry him, I interrupt his leg!" Night Mausole said coldly, the violent feudal parents simply did not give the younger brother a try. Opportunity, if you don’t agree, you will have a domestic violence.

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Megan and the early grades of the night are a few years old. The people who are looking for at night are almost the same age as at the beginning of the night. They should not be Megan, maybe they are family members. This is not certain. The news revealed by the night court is also very small. It is not very clear who the person he is looking for is.

Little brother: Little apple, have you slept?

Little Apple: Dead.

Xiao Erge: The temper is very bad, who is provoked you?

Little Apple: A monk, I was imprisoned.

Little brother: I will play!

Apple: I said it really!

Little brother: It’s fun.

Little Apple: Never!

Xiao Erge: Don't, don't give up in five minutes, I seem to find my girlfriend's family.

Apple: You haven't found it for more than ten years. How did you find it?

Xiao Erge: She has a relatively rare feature. I think there should be a blood relationship, not so coincidental.

Apple: Then you go check it. You haven't been looking for many years. It's rare to have a chance. You should check it out. You shouldn't check it out at this time. What are you looking for?

Xiao Erge: My heart is quite complicated.

Little Apple: Hehehe, man!

Xiao Erge: The taunting of the face, how can I mess with you, you stick this boat to a boat.

Little Apple: You are not in love, saying that you always like your girlfriend's loyalty, man, huh, huh.

Xiao Erge: Where did you see that I am not affectionate?

Apple: You have been looking for someone for so long, and there are clues right away. You didn’t even look for her. Instead, the gods are not, what is the new love?

Xiao Erge: I heard it, and it makes sense.

The night court is delusional, but he is not empathic. There is a contradiction between Megan and his family. He does not want to provoke his brother to be unhappy. He has already let go. If Megan is the person he is looking for, he immediately forgot this one. Something else, or interrupt his leg.

Super fierce!

However, looking for her is a matter of his life, how can it be abandoned halfway, but why, he did not let people go to Jamen's information?

The night court squatted in the basement, turned off the fire, sat in the car, and felt like a thorn constantly poked him and went home. It has recently become his biggest problem because there is a ... tricky person at home. .

Early at night!

In New York, he basically lived in the MISSYOU building. There are several large flat floors on the top floor and floor-to-ceiling windows on all sides. The space is very good. It is divided into several areas. It is his private area, divided into a banquet hall, a private living room, and a bedroom. The living room, study, gym, swimming pool, etc., everything, he brought back to the MSS at the beginning of the night, no matter where it is placed, it is not safe, afraid that she will run away, can only be placed on the top floor of the miss.

The security here is strict, there are monitoring everywhere, I can't escape at all. I tried to escape a few times at the beginning of the night. I didn't get it. I finally gave up, but I gave up and escaped.

As soon as I thought of the tossing at the beginning of the night, the night court smashed my eyebrows. Some of them couldn’t say that they couldn’t laugh. The way she tossed was also very, very special. If it wasn’t at the beginning of the night, he had already left the building.

(End of this chapter)

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