Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1508: Xiaoye is to face 2

Chapter 1508, Xiaoye is to face 2

People are loved, and the national son who has seen the flowers has become a ball that no one wants. What kind of jokes?

Do you not want to face?

The child's painting is holding the thigh of Shen Qianshu and cries. "Mummy, are you going to abandon me? It is really good for me, you don't care about me, you don't love me at all. I used to have heart disease. You are all I am holding me, protecting me, I am afraid that I am a little unhappy, now you are different, you are not interested in me, I am emotional, you don’t care, you don’t want me, God, I am The cabbage in the ground is no one hurts no one loves, how can I be so miserable, I am abused, my heart is hurt."

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Which paragraph of the dog blood drama you read so smoothly, singing is good.

Children's paintings can be ignored, and one thing in the heart can never be abandoned. Even if they are going to get married, he has to go!


"Don't!" Yulin refused to go to Las Vegas with a small light bulb. He and Shen Qianshu had no separate honeymoon trips.

The children's paintings looked at Shen Qianshu with tears in their eyes. They knew that the baby was painted, and Shen Qianshu was soft. The children's paintings roared at night. "You must recognize the facts. You are already a half-married person. Sons can play soy sauce, you want two worlds, you don't want to be so naive? Mommy is mine, I will split you half, you will sneer, and dare to throw me away!"

Against the sky! ! !

The night tomb sinks his face, and Shen Qianshu hurriedly played round, "Mr. Calm, calm!"

This big one is small, how come it is on the bar.

It’s hard!

"Mummy, I am going, am I still your baby?"

"You are almost eight years old, what three-year-old child?" Still spoiled!

"You are terrific, you are almost thirty years old. You are still a giant baby. Why don't you follow me? I don't realize that you are married and have a child. If you have children, your children are treasures!"

"Okay, okay, don't make a noise, follow it, follow it." Shen Qianshu can be soft, big is better, a thing of clothes, small is really difficult to pick up.

This time it is a bit negligent child painting.

After the child's painting is in good health, she has no worries. Before the child's painting was angry, even if the child's painting was ignored, she did not dare to speak loudly with the children's painting. She was afraid that the children's painting was excited, and the emotions had been out of control and caused a heart attack.

It is a bit negligent and negligent.

"Oh yeah!" The child's brush core, licking a kiss and sinking a small mouth.

Night Mausoleum, "..."

Also kiss!

Children's paintings hold the thighs of Shen Qianshu, "Hey!"

I am mad at you!

Shen Qianshu, "..."

The son still rarely plays with her. This is a thing before the age of four. Now it is a young boy. She took a picture on the head of the child's painting, her biological, biological, and forgive him.

Such a trouble, the sweet two world in the night cemetery plan was destroyed, brought a huge oil bottle, not as good as in New York, at least Yunan will take him to play, he rarely comes Bother Shen Qianshu and him.

Today, the children's paintings hold Shen Qianshu, and they want to sleep with Shen Qianshu. When the night mausoleum heard the clever ghost deliberately want to stimulate him, he would not be pleasing to the eye and now he is not pleasing to the eye. When he has a little princess, he will fall out of favor.

The night mausoleum is cold, "I see you want to go to South America!"


Today's update is over, ha, what?

(End of this chapter)

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