Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1517: Xiaoye was born in Rome

Chapter 1517 Xiao Ye was born in Rome

He couldn't replace him to grow up. He didn't dare to pack a ticket saying that his son must be a hero in the future, but the carnival of this group of black powders is a bit overdone.

When are AGs dead?

Shen Qianshu asked with a grin, "Sir, what do you think?"

The Night Mausoleum said faintly, "What simple things, you let her agent release a set of drafts prepared for the new play, he is not an actor, the actors experience how normal life is, a group of people have never seen the world It’s a big surprise, what can be alarmed.”

Miss Shen, who has never seen the world, "..."

Ok, you have seen the big world, you are amazing.

Shen Qianshu and Lin Xiaojuan talked about it. Coincidentally, Lin Xiaojuan used this method as a general draft. He said that the children's painting is preparing for the next play. The next movie has his play in the casino. She goes ahead. Watch it, and be accompanied by a guardian, the sneak shots with ulterior motives to deliberately discredit children's paintings and so on.

Shen Qianshu, "Well, you have all handled it, and I have nothing to say."

Stars have a very good identity cover, cover up well, can do a lot of things, Shen Qianshu basically do not worry about this matter. She gathered around the night tomb and said with a chuckle, "Sir, I didn't expect you to care about children's paintings."

"I don't care about his affairs at all." The night ruthlessly looked at her eyes, "want to say."

"You have to be kind to it occasionally. The child is very sensitive." This said that she has a dim sum, and the children's paintings are not sensitive at all.

"Ha ha!"

Shen Qianshu quickly changed his mouth. "She used to be very sensitive."

Night Mausoleum, "Then, I will take care of his glass heart, you can rest assured that he is more resistant than you think."

"That should be gentle, child painting is looking forward to the land, looking forward to it for many years, if you are like this, he will be sad."

Night Mausoleum, "..."

It’s an annoying little goblin.

"Know it." He reached out and squeezed her face. Shen Qianshu rushed over and embraced him enthusiastically. "Sir, you are the best, give you a baby, a beautiful little princess baby."

The night's lips are slightly raised. Shen Qianshu likes to watch him laugh. Although he won't laugh a few times a year, Shen Qianshu asks, "Sir, I ask you one thing. When we take a wedding photo, the photographer will let You laugh, can you laugh?"

The night Ling holding her waist, turned over and pressed her into the bed, her lips printed on her lips, "Yes!"

Children's paintings also saw their own news.

This news is quite sensational in China. There may be no explosive news in the near future, so his black powders are all carnival, and the children's paintings are super unhappy. He is so cool that he is a little light bulb.

Besides, what happened to playing a slot machine, what happened, can't you play? The landlord doesn't count, he picks up his sleeves and screams at fans.

Little black powder: How can a landlord count as gambling?

Children's painting: I play slot machine, how to call gambling, I won, I won, I contributed ten dollars, is this gambling? I am bored, itching is not good, my guardian does not think that I am long, what kind of heart do you care, even if I am long, eat your rice to harm your family?

Little black powder: Hey, someone is too arrogant, screaming that he is the heir of AG, and all the way to Rome, who knows if you will get lost on the way to Rome, hehe.

Child painting: No effort, Xiaoye was born in Rome!


Update today is early, oh, ask for a monthly ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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