Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1519: More scary titles

Chapter 1519 is more scary.

Shen Qianshu chuckled and did not poke him, holding his waist in his hands, she came to guide the night tomb, so that the night tomb can chase her footsteps, the photographer can also freely shoot his picture.

Wedding photos and family portraits, really took a whole day.

The children's paintings sent Shen Qianshu several sets of wedding photos to their own platforms, ushered in a praise, Shen Qianshu to spread the news of the night tomb.

City A.

Lu Mengxi broke almost everything in the bedroom, and her beautiful face was awkward. She lost two fingers. The **** of her left hand were cut by Li Zhiyuan. It was extremely ugly, although there was no blood loss in time, her I couldn't find my finger, I just pressed my fake finger.

The touch of the fake finger, the color and the real finger are obviously different. Every time I see my hand, she wants to kill Shen Qianshu, and she can't tolerate Shen Qianshu.

The wedding picture of the child's painting has become a trigger for her.

In the wedding picture, Shen Qianshu is wearing a mysterious black wedding dress. It is the proud work of Serena. The night mausoleum is wearing a white dress. This misplaced wedding dress has attracted a lot of praise and even shattered the shackles of yesterday's children's paintings.

"Shen Qianshu!" She licked her two fingers, so she wanted to get married, I don't think about it!

Lu Mengxi took the phone and dialed a phone. It was repeated several times and the phone was connected. "Mr. Yuan, it is me, Mengxi."


Lu Mengxi took a deep breath. "Mr. Yuan, I have been following you since I was 19 years old. I have been greatly promoting the work of Southeast Asia in the past few years. I have also helped you settle several cases in the city of A. There is no credit and no pain. Work, I want you to preside over justice for me."

Mr. Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and the tone was very deserted. "What is fair?"

"I lost two fingers, Mr. Yuan, I am your person, I am being bullied so much, don't you cry?" Lu Mengxi's voice sounded very pitiful.

Her fingers were broken. So far, Mr. Yuan has not given her an accurate answer. She can't deal with Shen Qianshu alone. It is not Shen Qianshu's opponent. She needs help.

If Mr. Yuan does not help her, she has no hope.

She must get the funding from Mr. Yuan.

"Meng Xi, Asian agent, not only you alone, for you, offending the night mausoleum is not a wise choice." Mr. Yuan answered very indifferently.

"Mr. Yuan, are you abandoning me like this?" Lu Mengxi’s voice shook with a little cry. "I just want you to avenge me. I have been doing it for you for so many years. Isn’t it worth your avenge for me?"

Mr. Yuan said faintly, "I have warned you, don't try to provoke Shen Qianshu, you don't listen, but now come and tell me revenge. If you don't want to buy murderous people, she will break your fingers, two The finger is just a kind warning, she is enough to give you face."


"Who is Shen Qianshu, the ghost city little princess, the black rose door master, the night mausoleum woman, any title, no one is offended, you still want me to help you revenge, is to kill Shen Qianshu, to bury all my brothers, Lu Mengxi, Don't take yourself too seriously, you are not that important."

Lu Mengxi was trembling and did not expect Mr. Yuan to say such harsh words.

After knowing that she was cut off by a finger, Mr. Yuan simply said a few words and did not give her any other comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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