Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1524: Little fairy is very tempered

Chapter 1524 Little Fairy is very tempered

After Shen Qianshu got off work, he received a call from the Night Mausoleum. "I will pick you up from work."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Lying in the trough! ! !

Big surprise.

After falling in love for so long, I enjoyed the treatment of other people’s boyfriends for the first time. She even came to pick her up from work, but she drove herself. Did he forget?

Yunan spit on her. "You also said that other people’s boyfriends, other people’s homes and girlfriends, I heard that someone came to pick up the flowers and said good, my husband, I am waiting for you, but you said my car is in the garage. Just drive back to yourself, who are you blaming?"

There was a big laugh in the BG office, and I couldn’t help it.

Shen Qianshu quickly called back and said, "Sir, come over and pick me up, my...the tires are out of breath."

Everyone, "..."

Night Mausoleum, "Good!"

Shen Qianshu said, "Husband, I am waiting for you."

Night Mausoleum, "..."

BG office, "..."

Yunan wiped his goosebumps, and it was soaked into the bones. Shen Qianshu sprinkled the Jiaolai. It was really invincible. Shen Qianshu hung up the phone and made a snap. "How is it, can you teach?"

The people silently gave her a thumb.

Shen Qianshu was waiting for the night tomb. In fact, the night to pick her up from work, she was quite happy. She usually got off work earlier than the night tow, driving directly to the outer ring to go home, and the night tomb is not on the way. I have to come over to pick her up, it’s too much, it’s a waste of time, and occasionally it’s a sweet crit.

When the night tomb came, all the BG bulbs disappeared, leaving Shen Qianshu alone. She was sitting in the office watching the design works, and the night tomb came quietly.

The night Ling coughed a little, Shen Qianshu looked up and saw, a happy heart, rushed over and hugged his neck, the night Ling holding her waist, slightly against the wall, kiss her lips.

The two exchanged a sweet and lingering French kiss.

"How come you suddenly want to pick me up today?"

"I got off work early." The night whispered softly, didn't say much, took her hand and scratched her palm slightly. "Go... watching a movie?"

"Okay!" Shen Qianshu picked up the phone. "I am going to buy a ticket."

"I already bought it."


This is amazing.

"it is good!"

Even knowing that I have to buy a ticket, it is simply... the same progress as God.

Bell burning to teach him?

After cleaning up, they simply went to the cinema and chose a newly opened movie theater. They did not check in and went in. Shen Qianshu was confused.

"Mr. What movie do you watch?" She was a bit strange.

What movie to watch?

In the darkness, the ear of the night mausoleum was a little hot, and I couldn’t help but touch my ears and clear my throat. "Don't talk!"

Shen Qianshu was much shorter than him, and he did not see his red ears. It was a bit strange. What was he doing? Looking at a movie so mysterious? Always feel like being pulled to do bad things.

The movie is an IMAX couple's hall. It is two seats and two seats. It is very spacious and does not have a large number of people. The night Ling is holding Shen Qianshu and sitting in the middle.

After waiting for a while, I didn't see anyone coming in.

"You have a bag?" Shen Qianshu asked.

The night mausoleum was absent-minded, looking at the mobile phone, Shen Qianshu found out, he kept watching the mobile phone all the way, constantly sending messages, about a time so unfocused, would you like to be beaten?

The temper of the little fairy is very violent!


Marriage is really hard to write, it is not good to write!

(End of this chapter)

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