Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1537: Grateful for everything

Chapter 1537 is grateful for everything

The night Ling actually had a little expectation. Shen Qianshu wanted to kick him down, and he seemed to have smashed a fire. If it burned, it would be a little unbearable.

She glanced down and quickly put him on...

(cannot describe...)


The child's painting was not happy, and I was very happy. I was a little disappointed. I still have no brothers and sisters. It is really useless. He has a friend and two younger brothers.

No one is competing for pets, it is also awesome, and the little cute is very satisfying.

Shen Qianshu went to see Fangxia and brought some daily necessities and gifts. Fang Xia now lives alone, Shen Lin is not around, the community is bought by Shen Qianshu, security is very good, privacy is good, the name is Shen Qianshu It is just in case, if Shen Xiong moves his mind and wants to sell the house, Fang Xia is not able to compete.

Fang Xia is waking up early, alone, and the days are a little easier. Shen Qianshu regularly pays living expenses every month, all kinds of insurance, commercial insurance also gave her, and also gave her a financial fund.

She doesn't need to worry about her life, but she doesn't live a life as she used to. Now Fangxia lives very simple, chats with a group of old ladies, and participates in some activities.

"Mom, would you like me to report you a senior university? It is better to go to school than to stay at home."

"I am a young man, I am going to college." Fang Xia refused.

Shen Qianshu smiled. "The old university is also very good. They are all of their peers and can make friends. In the past, you didn't want to go to friends. You can't go to the old lady in the community, go to the old university, go to class, and learn an interest class. Anything is fine."

Fang Xia is full of bitterness, looking at the radiant daughter, although Shen Qianshu does not care about the past, but also considers her mother's heart, but the two eventually can not return to the intimate mother and daughter time.

Fang Hong sleeve looked at Fang Xia, the other side of the square red sleeves did not have a little resentment, but very very grateful, if there is no Fang Xia, there is no Shen Qianshu, this is very clear to her heart.

Although Fang Xia loves Shen Qianshu, she has laid a very good foundation for her. She has cultivated Shen Qianshu from an early age and never let her suffer. She suffers because she has grown up because she has grown up.

In the world of Fang Hongshou, it is very simple. She suffered numerous intrigues in her childhood. The Shen Jinshu suffered from her distress, but she did not feel that it was a terrible thing.

At least, her daughter has a carefree childhood, growing up happily, until she grows up to face the ups and downs of society, and she should face it alone.

Therefore, she is grateful for the cultivation of Fang Xia.

Fang Xia saw her red square sleeves like two generations, and she was even more self-confident. Shen Qianshu was still willing to call her a mother, she was very satisfied.

“Is there a good old university?”

"I didn't say how good, reading a little things, or you will report to yourself."

"You let your mother think about it."

Shen Qianshu nodded and did not have too much persecution. "Is Lin Lin looking for you recently?"

Fang Xia shook her head. Shen Lin went to a company to go to work and turned. Because of the past, her peers basically didn't want her. It wasn't that Shen Qianshu deliberately suppressed her. The general company was not willing to fight for Shen Qianshu and AG. .

(End of this chapter)

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