Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1542: Are you not in the pit?

Chapter 1542 Are you not in the pit?

The old lady and the night are finally stunned. If you want to start from Shen Qianshu, you can’t do it. Shen Qianshu also learns to be smart. He didn’t just face them, he showed his wounds directly, and he had his own difficulties. Who didn’t know The mentally ill patients are so powerful that they are not good at opening.

After they left, Shen Qianshu asked, "Luther steward, what happened in the past, why do you hate the old lady?"

"It’s all the grievances of the elders. It’s not worth mentioning.” Luther’s housekeeper smiled and didn’t intend to tell the old things, lifted up the sadness, and the depths and the Soviet Union did not force much. They went out to work.

Luther steward took a deep breath, and if the old lady did not anger in the same year, everything would be different.

Miss, have you seen it?

The young master is very happy, you should be relieved.

Mu Yuan came to AG, this is the officer's holiday, just happened to hit the wedding of the night mausoleum, very perfect, he can stay at home for a month.

A one-month holiday is very precious to an officer.

The troubles are also coming.

Mu Yuan gave him a document. "The above information is obtained. The goods have arrived in Xiangjiang. Now the terminal has been completely blocked and is being searched. I have not found the container. If it flows into the mainland, we will become the second one. In Africa, the disease is spreading and the corpses are everywhere."

Yuling looked at the file carefully and paused on several red fonts. There was some doubt. "You are on vacation, who is dealing with it?"

"Yang family, I heard that this thing has a little relationship with the European night house. I haven't got the specific evidence." Mu Yuan stunned his eyebrows and was a bit resentful. "Every vacation will give me extra tasks." Is this like a vacation? I bought the tickets for the US flight, and it was really uncomfortable for me to come here."

"You can just stop."

"What do you do, I just complain about the holidays."

"I said that every time you take a vacation, you are flying to the United States. The incumbent officer has a trip record for the vacation. You are almost ready."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Is there this? ? ? ?

"Where, why don't you tell me earlier?"

"I thought you knew."

"How can I know!"

"Then you know it now."

Mu Yuan, "..."

This best man, don't want to be wrong.


Yuling closed the document and said faintly, "Things are placed here. I send individuals to investigate. If it is really related to the European night house, it is not bad. I can get them all out in advance."

Mu Yuan’s heart trembled, this guy really did not recognize the six parents.

It’s also a relative, so embarrassing.

"I am getting married soon, giving me this thing, and I can't go through it." The nightmare sinks his face, and the sky falls down, and he has to wait for his wedding. Although he has no enthusiasm for marriage, he is not married. He does not matter, but for Shen Qianshu, this is not the same, she is very valued for marriage, so we must be careful.

Whoever is going to mess with it.

"When I was at the wedding, I took one person to participate, didn't it?" Mu Yuan suddenly whispered, a little embarrassed.

"Well, feel free." The night mausoleum said faintly, endured forbearance, and said a word again, "I invited your family."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Lying in the trough, when did you feel so good with my family?

Isn't this pit me?

(End of this chapter)

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