Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1548: Sorry, bothering

Sorry, Chapter 1548, I am bothered.

Li Chen took a deep breath and tried to maintain a calmness. He slowly turned around and turned to the handsome and silent face. He stood in the shadow and only saw the general face. On the other hand, the face was covered in darkness, and the whole person was Dragged into the boundless darkness.

"Mr. Gu, your eldest brother has passed away for many years. Although I am not a friend with you, you are also the younger brother of Yuan'an. I have seen you several times." Li Chen said that his eyes are mild and there is no flaw.

Gu Xie clenched his fists and violently jumped on his back. He seemed to be suppressing anything. Li Chen was right. They met, but they were not friends. He has hardly remembered Li Chen in these years.

Regarding Li Chen and his older brother, he hardly remembers, because Li Chen’s appearance in Gu’s family is not too much. He’s the biggest impression of Li Chen, Lin Xiaojuan mentioned it. If it’s not met here today, it’s estimated There is no way to give Li Chen and Li Chen in memory to the number, and many things will surface. He is a friend of Big Brother.

His big brother's friend is actually not too much. Many times he has been placed in a ghost town. Most of his friends are general friends. They can bring them to their homes. They can be regarded as the life and death, the friends circle and the friends of Gu Da Ge. The circle does not overlap at all. He tried hard to remember the appearance of Li Chen in his memory, but he felt that Li Chen did not seem like this.

In his mind, he passed a pair of Li Chen and his big brother standing together. At that time, he was still a teenager. The older brother was also a young girl. They were standing downstairs and talking about something. It was not very pleasant. Brought to the home, it should be Li Chen.

He only saw Li Chen's side face, but Li Chen was half-head shorter than his eldest brother. When he was angry, he was very uncontrollable. He had a world of difference between the tall, strong and gentle man.

Is it because I grew up?

The person in front of you is more like a big brother.

The same height, the same back, the same temper.

Thank you for the heart beats vigorously.

If he meets him on the street, he will not hesitate to chase him, thinking that his eldest brother is back.

"Big Brother, is that you?" Gu Xie’s eyes were red and he tried to control his emotions. "There is only us, you hurt me the most, and never lie to me, I will not tell anyone."

"Gu Xie, I am not your big brother." Li Chen said with a heartfelt heart, in a few younger brothers, his most painful thing is indeed thanking him. He has been responsive since childhood. "I heard Yuan’an said that he hurts you the most. He has already Passed away, I am as sad as you are."

"You are not Li Chen, he is not like this." Gu Xie said persistently, this is obviously a big brother, how could it be Li Chen, Li Chen said faintly, "You misunderstood."

He smiled low. "Gu Yuanli didn't tell you, my brother and you?"

Thank you for being awkward.

Li Chen said, "I love you big brother, deep love, so after he died, I deliberately imitated his movements to imitate his tone, imitating his every move, and making himself a look of his own, so that I supported my experience. Losing his time, I have made myself alive, can you understand?"

Gu Xie was struck by lightning and stood still. Li Chen felt uncomfortable in his heart and did not open his eyes. "I have never been able to accept the news that he has died. This should be your greatest grief."

Gu Xie couldn't say a word at a time, watching Li Chen daze.

(End of this chapter)

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