Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1569: Cowherd and weaver

Chapter 1569 Cowherd and Weaver Girl

Master is a refreshing person. If he doesn't talk much, he lends his mobile phone to Mu Yuan. Mu Yuan turned his back on the phone and immediately called Jack's phone. The phone was a bit noisy.

He heard Jack's cold voice.

Mu Yuan’s heart trembled. “It’s me.”

Jack paused. "Is it released?"

His voice was a little smiling, and Mu Yuan was a little embarrassed. "Do you know?"

Jack smiled. "I heard the night mausoleum."

Mu Yuan secretly smashed the night tomb again. He didn't talk about loyalty. He didn't even tell him that he had been worried that Jack had already gone home. Mu Yuan also knew that it was not very good to say it.

"I thought you were going home."

"I still have something to do, not so fast, say it again, I haven't seen you yet, how can I go."

Mu Yuanxin was so powerful that he felt lucky and had some regrets. He had no idea what he was thinking about. He didn’t dare to ask Jack what he was thinking at the moment, but he had some sadness.

Jack, he was wronged.

Jack took the phone and his heart was heavy. He seemed to make a decision for their future. The night mausole said, this decision is far from being done, too cruel and unlikely.

Perhaps in the eyes of the night mausoleum, he is a powerful and omnipotent person, but the night mausoleum did not think about it. He made such a decision and was equally cruel. Jack looked up at the night sky.

"Small, where are you?"


Jack put down the phone and a special agent around him kept looking at him. "Sir, are you sure?"

Jack nodded. "Yes, I know."

The agent left quietly, and Jack sat down and waited for Mu Yuan. He was quiet and only heard some humming sounds. The summer night sky was hot and dull, and Jack looked at him not far away.

In these few days, his people have been lurking in all corners of A city.

The core data of the machine tool, he had made up his mind to get the hand, the night court is not a good one, these machines are not independently developed, the original research and development team was dug away from the technology center, and is the main scientist.

The method of digging people can't get on the table, but it works well. The people in the technology center can't keep it. It's useless. But this person took away some of the core technology of the precision machine tool, which prompted the company to develop itself. A set of machines that are more advanced than they are today.

Jack took a deep breath. At present, precision machine tools are monopolized by the United States, Germany and Japan. Other international companies are burning money on this project. Burning money for decades may not necessarily have a result.

Because of the technological monopoly, many aspects will have more say.

This is hegemonism.

It is also their consistent style. All core technologies must be controlled by their own people, and they can have more control over the outside world. This is one thing that is not right or wrong.

This incident was originally responsible for Wesley, but Wesley was recently bitten by counter-terrorism and began to sneak deep into the head, so he fell on his head. At first he considered the relationship between Ling Ling and Mu Yuan.

Later, he let go of his hands and feet and did not intend to pass Mu Yuan.

Human feelings are human conditions, and state affairs are state affairs.

There is a saying that the night tomb is right.

As their ranks gradually rise, their power, the core they can reach, will rise step by step, and their contradictions will be exposed day by day. This is a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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