Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1571: Do you want to give up?

Chapter 1571, are you going to give up?

His holiday is not too small.

Jack slightly lowered his eyebrows and didn't know what he was thinking. Mu Yuan snorted, "What do you want to say?"

He had a bad premonition and looked at Jack with a gaze. He resisted the pressure at home, resisted his thoughts and resisted everything. Even if he couldn’t confess everything to others, he tried to do it for everyone. They all know that they will not force him and will not give him some pressure. He also shows his determination.

Even if his father was so angry that he was going to kill him, he never said a give up, clenched his teeth, why? Just to hear him withdraw from the moment? ?

Jack looked up at Mu Yuan. The oriental man looked very young. Mu Yuan was still young and his life was simple. Even if he was used to life and death, he still had a pair of young eyes, clean and bright.

His anger is at a glance.

"A fool, what are you mad at?"

Mu Yuan saw his smile and always felt that there was some glare, but he was relieved by a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not say give up. Jack whispered, "I am thinking about the future."

"What's wrong with the future?"

"The future..." Jack can't say it, what's wrong with it in the future, he will have Mu Yuan in the future, and Mu Yuan will have him in the future. It seems to be a very good ending.

But... this is not their ending.

He can expect that under the pressure of many parties, their future will fall apart. If Mu’s family is guilty of traitors for traitors because of his affairs, Mu Yuan will not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

And bringing him all is the original sin of all things. This is not the responsibility that Mu Yuan should bear.

Mu Yuan did not understand.

He always thinks about everything and going to a good place.

This is his fascinating place.

"Jack, if you say a word, I won't look back." Mu Yuan said that after he was desperate, if he could not get his promise, he would never look back.

He almost said this sentence with negative emotions, and also brought a little break. Jack felt a pain in his heart and took his hand. "Good!"

The big stone hanging in the heart of Mu Yuan finally fell down and felt very sad.

"Right, you have been in the city for so long, why not go back." Mu Yuan asked, his vacation is not much, Jack's holiday, in fact, not too much, is he carrying the task?

"I am leaving soon," Jack said faintly. "There are some things that have been delayed."

Mu far does not doubt him.

After separation, Mu Yuan returned to the compound of the military academy. Before returning to the compound, he saw that the courtyard was brightly lit. A well-known elder, a high-ranking elder, was armed with a number of special forces armed with live ammunition at their doorstep. Mu Yuan was cold and rushed into the compound. The special forces did not stop him. Mu Yuan rushed to the hall.

This elder is the main marriage of the night mausoleum. Strictly speaking, it is a neutral figure. Commander Zhang Lao is sitting on the sofa. Mu Jianshou and Mu Jianxin are at home. They are in front of him, they are younger, and the power is not enough. Big, when Mu Yuan rushed in, the living room was dead.

"Dad, Mom..." Mu Yuan's eyes were red, her head was low and her tears were wiped. Mu Yuan was cold and cold, and she didn't know what happened, but it must have happened.

Such a big fanfare, in front of the military compound.

(End of this chapter)

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