Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1573: No coffin, no tears

Chapter 1573, no coffin, no tears

Mu Yuan’s mother burst into tears.

Mu Yuan stayed like a chicken, and the blood color faded from his face. When Jack called today, he seemed to have heard a vague word, remote transmission, no need to link the computer, as long as it is close to the extreme, it can transmit all electronic information. That is to say, as long as he is close to the study, he can transmit on the link, and his mobile phone has been held by his father.

His father kept shutting himself in the study.

God-given opportunity.

Even if his father had no chance to take his cell phone, his room and study room were only separated by a wall, and others could get the information of the study room. Mu Yuan was cold.

"What friend did you hand in? Lead the wolf into the room, you thought about me, thought about your uncle, thought about how your elder brother should be on his own, and give us a crime of selling a thief. What do you want me to see the ancestral ancestors? You are better off shooting me."

Mu Jianxin’s voice was loud and full of energy. Mu Yuan saw the disappointment and hatred of his father’s eyes. He was like a soulless person. He was constantly pushed from behind, and he did not know how to advance and retreat. Right or wrong, ignorant, does not seem to know what happened.

He does not believe that Jack will do this.

The Jack he knows, in the sky, even if he really came for the machine tool, he is also prepared, never mentioned, never talked about, is their tacit understanding, does not talk about work.

He also made preparations for his wits and wrestles at work, and he would not use this sinister trick to frame him.

"I don't believe it!" was pushed to the edge of the cliff. Mu Yuan finally had a weak protest. He decided that he was convinced that the man he knew would not do such a thing.

There must be some misunderstanding here.

Mu Jian was so angry that he wanted to beat him again, and was stopped by Mu Yuan’s mother. Mu Yuan’s mother looked at her son in disappointment. “Your dad will be taken away and ask questions, and may not come back. You are still facing an outsider, small. Far, are you so confused? You would rather believe in an outsider than believe us?"

Mu Yuan was not repelled by this sentence. However, the eyes cast by the family made him feel like he was sitting on a needle and felt that he always loved him. He did not believe that Mu Yuan was tortured on the cross and was burned. No one. Can experience his difficulties and feelings.

A security guard came in. "The head, it's time to go."

Mu Jianxin nodded. As he left, Mu Yuan seemed to have lost his heart. Mu Jianshou was a politician. He said faintly, "If someone asks you about who you are, you will definitely deny it, don't know, otherwise You will never see your father again. Our enemies may be carnival at the moment, and the evidence is everywhere. The domestic enemy is much more terrible than the foreign enemies."

"Yes, I know." Mu Yuan said, he grabbed his coat and hurried out.

"Stand up!" Mu insisted on his anger. "Do you regard my words as a whisper?"

"I have to ask, if I don't ask, I won't be willing."

Mu Yuan ignored the family's blockade and drove a jeep, like a rocket, regardless of whether he ignored it, ran rampant, went out of the compound, ran to his small apartment, and even had no time to park the car, rushed to the building, but he did not I thought of seeing a person in a small apartment, a tall black man with a sharp eyebrow and a gun. Both of them looked back at Mu Yuan who suddenly came in.

(End of this chapter)

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