Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1581: Little girl, you are very embarrassed.

Chapter 1581, little girl, you are very embarrassed.

I spoke to the old lady who was just kindly eyebrowed. She raised her eyebrows at the beginning of the night, and her face sank suddenly. The shop was black and pressed, standing several squats, two old ladies, a middle-aged woman, dressed very ordinary. There is a pair of unscrupulous eyes, usually followed by the old lady and the little girl who came in, you don't want to go out.

The door was blocked.

"This dress is still a little girl with rich people." The boss is obviously aware of the goods. It was very valuable to wear at the beginning of the night. It was arranged by the night court. The amount of the decoration was very conspicuous on the street, but only Because the gems are too big and hang in the eyebrows, people who don't understand may still feel that they are fake jewels. This talented person knows that it is a genuine gemstone.

The clothes are branded, the shoes are also branded, the skin is watery, the eyebrows are clear, and it looks like a little girl who is not deeply involved.

"What do you want to do?" At the beginning of the night, she asked, she was very calm, and who was the night court, she knew that she could not meet any danger unless the group killed her.

"Take you a good day." The proprietress said, "Little girl, you are unlucky."

At the beginning of the night, I smiled and said, "Unlucky, not necessarily me."

"The little girl's temper is very calm."

"Because what you are doing now is what I did when I was ten years old." At the beginning of the night, she said that since she had memories, this kind of thing is not too small. What is this, can scare her, it is too small Look at her early night.

"The mouth is hard." The proprietress waved a big hand, too lazy to crap, "tied up!"


The big men listened to their fate and wanted to come up to tie the night. At the beginning of the night, they broke a big man and punched the big man’s belly. She was short, but very flexible. After a while, she could not fight a big man. Come.

Everyone was stunned, and no one thought of a small gimmick that seemed to have a deep sense of the world.

"You..." The boss who looks more savvy is incoherent.

At the beginning of the night, I squeezed my fist and slammed the steel pipe next to it. I jumped up and a steel pipe smashed down against the neck of the big man. A 180-year-old man was stunned. The nose was full of blood, and there was no weight at the beginning of the night. This kind of person is going to kill and throw sharks at sea, and the strong is respected.

"Look at your dog's eyes and find death."

The little girl held a steel pipe and placed it in the palm of her hand. She patted it gently. She swept a steel pipe to another big man, and regardless of the fight, she kicked a big man out of the store.

The two old people were frightened.

They are not tied to a soft, weak girl, how is it a bomb?

At the beginning of the night, a steel pipe smashed a stone statue in the store, which was extremely violent. The small body seemed to contain endless power.

The proprietress screamed scared, and the steel pipe at the beginning of the night pointed at his chin. "Do you have this courage and do the business of abducting people?"

I don’t know how thick it is.

Falling in her hands, isn't it being beaten to death?

The two old people were also frightened. I didn't expect her to be so embarrassed. In this short effort, all the big men had been beaten, leaving only the boss and the two old people shivering.

Trafficking in the population has always been the beginning of the night. Although she is also robbing, she is mostly robbing money. People can put it and let it go, not to hurt people, unless it is a hatred of greatness.

(End of this chapter)

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