Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1592: Help you break more thoroughly

Chapter 1592 helps you break more thoroughly

Somalia, the sea.

This time, international assistance, he came alone, international aid is divided into two small squads, the squad on the bright side has five or six countries, and there are four countries in the dark, he is one of them, if it is this The people on the side seized, the government will not recognize his identity, this is what every soldier who performs the task internationally knows.

Especially this area is a sensitive area, he has to check a big case.

Mu Yuan's short-sleeved shorts, sitting on the deck, had several camouflage on his face. There were several soldiers who were with him. They were all his national friends. They just came out of the jungle, and everyone was a bit gray-faced.

In addition to the camouflage, Mu Yuan’s face has a layer of disguised skin. The facial features have not changed. The facial features of the white enamel have become dark bronze, which makes him look quite sexy.

The tall, eye-catching, thick hormonal breath is like a male full of fighting spirit.

He was holding a cigar and facing the sea breeze, his look was gloomy.

A man walked up to him, "Major, what are you thinking?"

The man has a blond hair, comes from the most romantic country in the world, has a lot of talk, super talk, and is also a pistachio in the team. Mu Yuan spits out a smoke circle. "Nothing."

He has no feelings to talk to his comrades.

"There are a few problems with the American soldiers." Mark said, looking at the cabin and shrugging his shoulders. "It doesn't matter to us anyway, letting them bite their dogs."

Mu far sneered, the few people and Jack are not the same camp, the deadly enemy of the Anderson family, this time international aid to their two teams and the heart is not.

Will it make a blind man, it’s really hard to say.


A smell of tobacco, from the throat to the lungs, feels a little bit of dull pain in the internal organs, Mu Yuan is like a beast with nowhere to escape, let the cold arrows do not know who, constantly Shooting his old wound, it hurts and boring, and he can't even make a sound of his pain, except to bite his teeth.

A cigar, gradually disappeared, he recently indulged in the smell of tobacco, cigars pumped one after another, never ending.

Tobacco, liquor, became his best partner at midnight.

"Let's have fun for them."

Mu Yuan frowned, "What fun."

"Our team looks at them very early, it is better to get a trap, let them bite the dog, I heard that they have already set a trap for Jack. This is a legendary anti-terrorism."

He smiled as he spoke. "He has some expectations."

Mu Yuan lost his cigar and said faintly, "Not interested."

When the ship docked, he saw a more unexpected person, Shan Ning, his childhood friend, and one of his best friends. He used to be a special force. Now he is studying at the National Relations Office. A diplomat, Shan Ning’s parents are diplomatic ambassadors.

"Shen Ning, how come you?" On the island, the setting sun is beautiful, tragic and strong, and the whole sea is lined up heavily. His little partner is standing in the sunset, smiling at him, gentle and handsome, like It is the appearance of memories in the years, always giving him a warm guardian.

"I am your liaison officer." Shan Ning smiled and said, "Your father is worried about you, so I have to send you a liaison officer. I am the best diplomat. The diplomat is most familiar with the special forces combat mode. People, don't send me, send people."

(End of this chapter)

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