Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1603: How is Xiaoyuan on the island?

Chapter 1603, How is Xiaoyuan on the island?

The eight speedboats came like flying arrows. Gatling’s machine guns were fully fired. The bullets hit the beach, splashing countless dust and sand, hitting people, and being able to punch people out of a hole. Straight grass is not born.

On each speedboat, seven or eight people, each with a live ammunition, were prepared, and several comrades were hit by bullets. They were lying dead on the beach and were used as human targets.

Mu Yuan and Shan Ning retreated to the weapons and equipment department. Everyone was crowded into the weapons and equipment department. Mu Yuan quickly equipped the weapons, grabbed Shan Ning and gave him a radio device.

"Go find a signal a little better, ask for help from a nearby base, fast!"

Shan Ning refused his request, "I want to be with you."

"Roll, you are just tired here, go for help!" Mu far roared, a piece of iron bones on his face spattered by sweat and blood, pushed away Shan Ning, and joined the battle with a gun.

"Everyone is free to shoot!" said the captain. In this case, any tactics are useless. They can only shoot freely. The other party is in a rush. Gatlin machine guns have swept a dozen warriors. Retreating, avoiding the scope of the Gatlin machine gun, and guiding people to the island to fight guerrillas, Mu far lurking outside an obstacle, fancy the opportunity to shoot two mercenaries.

On the island, a gunshot battle!

The shells and bullets flew, the screams, the command sounds, the rescue sounds, and they rang.

Shan Ning found a commanding height and immediately sent a distress signal. There is a base of the NATO alliance country nearby. It only took five minutes to come. After Shan Ning sent a distress signal, he quickly retraced and worried about Mu Yuan.

Dozens of mercenaries landed, black pressure, weapons and equipment, and they are mostly veterans of various countries, some international killers, formed a mercenary team, specializing in a variety of difficult international cases.

The strength is similar to that of a special corps. Even if it is quite outstanding, we have not broken the battle. We have lost half of the troops. Mu Yuan hides in a dark place and carefully handles it.

"Sniper, is there a sniper?"

"Sniper reports, northeast direction."

"Southeast direction."

The two snipers have been there for a long time and killed four people.

The captain ordered, "Find their leader."

"Yes, the target is locked."

"Target lock."

No one swayed and did not dare to reveal his position. A comrade in the gun climbed **** the beach and was caught by the mercenary and stepped on his back.

The comrades of the comrades made a scream, and the blood of the abdomen wounds continued to flow.

The mercenary raised his gun and slammed his head like a slow motion, bursting his gun and exploding his comrade's head. Mu Yuan took his gun and slammed his forehead as a soldier. What you can’t see is that your comrades-in-arms are captured and killed, whether they are their own comrades-in-arms or their comrades-in-arms.

The captain burst into a curse, and the buzzing sound came from the earphones. Mu Yuan looked at the time and there was a rescue in five minutes, just dragging it for five minutes.

I am an enemy, I am not a hard time.

NATO Alliance Base.

"Reporting the major, this is the distress signal sent by the joint forces. Three minutes ago, they suffered the siege of two mercenary teams." An information soldier deciphered the distress signal and handed it to Jack.

(End of this chapter)

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